I won't even keep that many fry anyway. The other fish will take care of fry numbers, and I might even give away any survivors that might hide in the java moss or somewhere.That load will be fine except that there is no way you will be able to keep all of the fry from even one female swordie for 5 years. They just expand their numbers too fast for that.
Anyway, they didn't have white or koi lyretails, but I saw a beauty I just had to have.
Meet Eris, the goddess of discord.

She's half pink, half black with green-blue glitter, like Cracker.
Cracker tried to flirt with her, but Bee smacked him hard... Now he just follows Bee closely while Eris is all alone behind the bogwood, pecking the moss. Lol @ Cracker trying to court Bee now... she is ticked off and jealous.