Should I Leave Her In Until Tomorrow (shes Droppeddd)

black molly3

Fish Herder
Feb 8, 2006
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first of all mods please do not move this topic to the livebearers section i would prefere it to stay here. right i bought a prgennant lyretail balloon molly and i think shes about to drop. i put her in a breeding trap to see if she has anyfry. here are some pics.


a few days ago

and here she is in the breeding trap. could anyone tell me what that sort of white opening is by her bum. its like a little opening thanks




She definitely looks ready but how long has she been in the trap? When I used a trap, I never left the females in for more than 24 hours at a time.
only just put her in about 20 mins ago. if she doesnt have any over night hould i remove her and can anyone answer what that white thing is its like another opening is this where the babies come out of. also i have read that when the female is ready a white translucant tube comes out of her bum like see through poo. is this true.
What you are seeing is her vent opening (the opening of the birth canal). I wouldn't leave her in for longer than 48 hours making sure to dump and refill the trap as the slits don't allow for very good water flow. Is she eating? The female will often stop eating just before giving birth. You do often see the "white translucant tube" in livebearers before birthing but I've noticed that this isn't always very visible with balloon mollies.
yes she is eating i tried some crushed flake and she ate it. well she has had that white translucant tube since befor ei put her in but she is eating. my only wory is i havent got a divider. will she eat most of them.
Most of my mollies haven't seemed too terribly interested in eating fry while giving birth. You could float some plants on the top to give the fry a place to hide. From the looks of her, she is holding quite a few. My balloons will sometimes have over 100 fry.
as i clicked on this post i looked over nd she is popping them out now its the first time i have seen this haha, a few have came out though and havent moved just stayed in a ball i think 1 or 2 could be dead. is this normal. i wil;l take her out sometime 2night when i think she is done
Congrats! It is not uncommon for a few to be born not fully developed (balls). Does she seem interested in eating them?
nope she left them. i have took her out now as she was getting restless and seemed like she was finshed so i took her out so she wouldnt be stressed. i can count about 30 and there is 1 ball and then 3 babies on the floor what are dead and curled one which never swam they just hit the bottom. none of them are swimming though they are all on the floor apart from about 8. here are some pictures of them.
start with this one haha makes me laugh. he wasnt stook he was just resting there haha

here you can see the ball and 1 or 2 dead babies what just dropped


them little orrange balls are protein pellets what i gave to the mum but she never ate them all.



a proud dad swimming under. most probably not their dad but o well he thinks he is haha

hope you like, any hints or tips welcome
That little tail sticking out from the slits in the bottom might be too much to resist for your other careful. lol
haha. when should i start offering food how long do their yolks last. also the male has become realy interested in the female now showing off his find to her and trying to get into her eye. mabee because he can breed with her now. is that the reason or am i wrong haha
You should start feeding right away. Molies aren't typically born with yolk sacs unless they are early. The reason that your male is harassing momma is because he wants to make sure his 'seed' is planted first. lol
well he has got his dorsal fin up erect i have never seen him doing this before and showing off to the female haha. how long should i raise them in the breeder tank for. and alot of the babies are still on the bottom of the breeding trap not realy doing much. is this normal
To be honest, it isn't really normal for them to be so inactive but I wouldn't worry just yet...give them a little bit of time.

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