Should I Add Another?


New Member
Jul 14, 2004
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A friend of mine was moving and she was forced to find her fish new homes. I took several of her guppies and her only albino cory. Now I've found out that they like to be in groups. He's already pretty big (2.5 inches) and I was wondering if I added more cories to my 29 gallon tank if he would school with them or stay by himself. I saw some cute panda cories at the lfs, and I would prefer getting them over more albino ones (they're kind of freaky looking). What would you suggest?
Generally corys like to be with there own species so you should get him some more albinos
Hi shygirl0787 :)

I would recommend getting another cory of the same species. They do seem to prefer to play with their own kind. However, the albino is most likely a C. aeneus, and the bronze corys are that species too, just a different color, so it would be a good addition and give you some variety.

They will play together and if you end up with a pair that spawn, it will be perfectly alright. Some of the fry will be bronze and some albino colored. :D
Your cory looks lonely? How?

And I agree get 5 more Bronze Cories. Or if you plan on not getting any more fish, you could get a lot more cories
Hi Captain Retardo :)

Trust me, you can tell a single cory in a tank has a lonely and sad look about it! :(
Cories should be kept in groups of atLEAST three or more. So the more, the better.
albinos are freaky looking? oh i love albinos! =) i guess it's all in the eye of the beholder then.
The albinos are growing on me, so I'll probably end up getting another albino and maybe two pandas...
i started off with 2 bronze corys and they looked lonesome and i allways wanted albinos then i found somewhere with albinos so had 2 and i much prefer the bronze anyway today i decided they would be happyer in an even bigger group so bough 2 more bronze ones 8)
Well i had 1 Bronze cory when i first started fish keeping and tbh it was always hiding,never ate anything for days,so i bought another,it came out now and then,nibbled at things so to me seemed a little better,then i bought 2 Albinos,better still,then i bought 2 more Bronzes and now 2 years on there still always out day or night,always eating,always together all 6 of them,now theyve had hundreds of fry yet again!!Im just waiting to put my fry in with them too,Yes of course when there bigger!!! :p
I haven't seen any bronze corys at my lfs, but I will definitely look into getting more albinos and pandas because I would really like for my current one to perk up and get some friends lol.
I have 1 bronze, 1 albino, 1 peppered, 3 metaes, and 2 (possible) trilineatas. My metaes are the only ones who only like to shoal with their own kind. All my others will shoal together, not all the time, but they do.

Having said that, if I'd known then that they liked their own kind, I'd have bought three of each. But for now, I'm sticking with what I've got - any new additions will be a group of something new.

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