Should I Add An Oto?


Fish Crazy
Aug 5, 2007
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Tanks stats:

(Cycled for a couple of months)
Size: 60L
Current Residents: 3 x Female Platy
6 x Neon Tetra
6 x Pygmy Cory

Tank is cycled. (i did it fishless, yay)
Ammonia is always 0, as is nitrite. Nitrate is anywhere between 10-40ppm and i change 15-20% of the water a week.
Well aerated, very well filtered, tempreture constant at 27.


Well im just wondering if it would be a good idea to get a oto. I've always liked them and my tank is building up a nice amount of algae (brown and green).
I understand that oto's are hard to keep but im up for a challenge.
My tank has a airstone, a good filter which breaks the surface causeing even more aeration, and i could even add another small filter if needed.

Are there any major reason i should not get an oto?
I think ill get 2. And ill buy algae wafers aswell.
I think that you should add an Oto and remember always to take care of it. They are one of my favorite fish in the world
You should add at least 3, they like to be in groups and I'd say 3 is absolute minimum. They do need to be fed they don't just eat algae and survive off that but it is a part of their diet. They quite happily munch on algae wafers, catfish pellets, vegetables such as cucumber, courgette(I even tried carrot once which they loved), bloodworms as a treat, they need a varied diet just like any other fish :)

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