Shock Horror

ok just been reading the above my guess was going to be a rabbit just to be totaly off the wall lol anyway ok i got a 12 uk gal tank dont even ask me how many litres i have no idea anyway how many fish should i have in my tank cos now im worried real worried?

As for testing water what did you test it for?

I tend only to put aqua safe in mine but was tempted o buy a ph test other day and came out at 7 - 7.5 kinda hard to see the exact but i know thats ok but what else should u test for?


The general rule of thumb is 1 inch or 2 1/2 cm of fish per gallon of water. And you have to use the full grown size of the fish even if they are not fully grown. This rule is just general because some fish are messier and sometimes you can stretch it and fit more if you do lots of water changes. Otherwise, your fish will be living in pretty toxic water because of the amount of waste they produce. This guys tank will not last long as it is, his fish will begin to get sick from the stress of the poor water quality.

I would add GH/KH too. General Hardness and Calcium Carbonate Hardness. Most people don't have these and never think to check them. I only recently got one myself after using up the last of my unreliable test strips.
ok then here we go

1x massive common plec
3x small common plecs
4x yoyo loaches
5x bristle nose catfish
12x neons
5x zebra danios
7x dalmation mollies
5x small algea eaters
8 guppies
1 black angel
and 2 vt bettas

he asked me to check his water the other day for him

i nearly had a heart attack

i managed to convince him with this thread last night with all the posts especially the b a baracus one great idea.

i have now aquired

1 betta
2 yoyo loaches
2 bn catfish
3 mollies
5 guppies
2 algea eaters

and convinced him to take the plecs to the petshop which will take them off him

and for the stats everything was suprisingly spot on and the water was crystal clear he had an external and 2 internal filters running tho.

cheers for saving some of these little fishys everyone

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