Shock Horror

OMG!!!!! :blink: :crazy: :< Not good! puir wee fishes!

i know i have a spare empty cycled 30g and i told they will start dying off

i have offered to take one betta and some of his bigger fish or more of his smaller to settle the tank but he cant let them go he is too attached
drug him like B.A. baracus nick his fish and tell him the croaked it.

just dont show him your 30g tank. He wont be attached when they start dieing
try and show him this site i think he will get the message, let the fish go, or you will be killing them!
What an idiot. It seems he takes his stocking practices directly from the Company Policy. Overstock Overstock Overstock.....Sell Sell Sell.

I would love to see the water parameters
seriously you have to get one of the bettas from him and get him to either upgrade his tank or get rid of some fish
this man is the :eek:sama: of the fishies world
ok just been reading the above my guess was going to be a rabbit just to be totaly off the wall lol anyway ok i got a 12 uk gal tank dont even ask me how many litres i have no idea anyway how many fish should i have in my tank cos now im worried real worried?

As for testing water what did you test it for?

I tend only to put aqua safe in mine but was tempted o buy a ph test other day and came out at 7 - 7.5 kinda hard to see the exact but i know thats ok but what else should u test for?

so, keesh - do tell? put us out of our misery....... what were the water stats??????

or couldn't you get a phial between the fish to actually collect a sample?
I think it's time for the Gee-your-tank-broke-and-a-bunch-died-but-hey-you-can-look-at-some-of-these-fish-I-just-got-for-my-thirty....

Gah, I just realized, if he thinks this is okay, just what the HELL has he been telling customers that come in and ask for advice????

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