Shipping Fish


Fish Aficionado
Jan 14, 2009
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So I have a lot of Kribensis that I am breeding and raising, and I am going to start to sell them this summer. I am sure I am going to be shipping them, and I just need to know what is the best way to do so.

I live in the US, so what would be the best carrier?

How should I prepare the packages to be shipped?

Just basically, what do I need to do? lol

put the fish in a suitable sized bag then put the bag inside another and another incase of any leaking, so triple bagged. place news paper inside a polybox and add a heat pack if needed. then put the bag inside the polybox and pack with newspaper all round to make a snug fit and prevent and movement if poss. wrap the polybox in newspaper and bubblewrap and place inside a cardboard box again so it fits snug. tape up the box and send.

this is how ive sent any fish and shrimp ive sold in the past and it seems to work very well :good:

im not in the US so cant state what couriers are good or bad but im sure others can help on that...

also dont feed any fish being sent for at least 1 day before sending to keep poo down to a minimum while they are inside the bag/box, so the water stays as good as possible during transport. this also helps the fish eat when in their new home as they will be hungry after the journey :good:

hope this helps
Hi fatheadminnow :)

Here's some pictures that might help. The first is packed in Kordon Breather Bags (which I don't particularly like for corys.)

Here's another thread, an older one but it might be useful.

Here's a link to a good site to buy shipping supplies and other things:

If your customer will pay for UPS or FedEx overnight shipping, so much the better. It's usually reliable but it is expensive. The seller usually guarantees live delivery and will replace them but not cover the cost of a second shipment. If Priority mail is the only option, be aware that it's risky. I just received a shipment yesterday (Monday) that was mailed from PA last Tuesday. It actually went off the tracking twice. No one at the post offices I called had any idea where they were during those times. Amazingly, the corys came through it fine, but I didn't expect it to turn out that way.

I've never shipped out fish so I can only be of help from a buyer's perspective. There is a forum on AquaBid that might be a place where you could get more information if necessary. The sellers seem like a helpful bunch. :)
Thank you Inchworm for the reply!

I will look at the links you provided.


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