Shark like fish

:fish: :jaws theme:

looks like a match to me!

the following people identified this fish:

me? i'm just your average everyday moron...
Wow, go to watch a movie and come back to this :)
Thanks a lot to All of you! I definatly do think its a pangasius of some sort, head definatly is the exact same.

I'm not entirly sure if its a Pangasius hypophthalmus seeing as the ones I saw were a bit smaller than what I saw pictures of, and the colouration seemed blacker, but it's definatly very very close.

I'm not gonna call it a final just yet, seeing as I'm not 1 to be great at comparing pictures :p I'll go over to the shop on tuesday and bring this thread back up so all of you can compare and see if it is indeed a Pangasius hypophthalmus. If it is, I'm afraid I'll probably have to call it a no go :)

Thanks again to all.
these fish grow to at least 3 feet dont they??
I quite like the look of the fellows. Unfortunately it's hard to get details on origin and care (not surprising on care as most peeps don't keep until adult :rolleyes: )

Would any of them be compatible with RTC or TSN?

Swallows at colchester has a large pangassuis in with the pacus, TSN, RTC and peruno cats oh and ofcourse the plecs.
Dorkhedeos said:
correct me if im wrong, but werent the pangasius species known as the man eating catfish? :eek:
No, the man eating catfish are from the Wallago genus (Wallago attu being the infamous man eater), Pagasius cats are harmless to humans and have a mainly vegetaarian diet.

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