Im About To Get My New Tank

Plants can survive a long time as long as there's plenty of moisture in there I'd think - shouldn't be full of water but there should be plenty to splash around and keep things wet - I'm assuming your transit won't really be all that long...

Unfortunately you may be making a serious mistake re the test kit. 5 in 1 strips are worthless or worse in that some of their readings may be misleading - so not good to waste the money. Whatever it takes (internet or whatever), you need to find a good liquid based kit like the members here mostly all use -- its invaluable during the beginner stages.


The biggest problem I have is getting around. I have no car and a 12 month old so venturing far and wide is difficult. Ill give the company a call and see if they have a liquid type. Theyre goona get fed up of me lol.
I don't know, maybe some other members will comment on the Interpet test kit. Seems like we've had a few people show up on the forum having trouble with it. Our favorites seem to be Nutrafin and API, but I could be getting too picky here.

I would think the internet or phone-order would be wonderful for the situation you are in. Sometimes you even get people here on the forum competing with each other to show you the cheapest price they've found on some web page and then you can have it dropped at your door.

I wouldn't hold that info (re the way they cycle filters) against your LFS, we've had a lot of threads here that I've read where members have discussed how to deal with all the differences in advice you'll get here vs. the LFS. In my opinion, one of the best ways to deal with it is to just go in and buy exactly what you need, without seeking advice. Just seems good to be polite and do have a listen if they volunteer things, but in general probably easier in the long run not to take much of the advice away or try to give any to them.

Ive had the order delivered now. I have to say that I really need to work on sizes and weights because I expected more sand and plant substrate. Neither will be enough to fill the bottom of the tank at all and I cannot afford another possible £25 on more. The plan now is to use the other persons gravel with patches of sand on top of that to give it a different kind of look. Ill spread the plant substrate in and around the areas that I decide to put the plant. This is a pain really as I will always have to put the plants in those areas.
Well, you dont get much for £70 these days. The plants look healthy but I need to know where and how to store them until the tank gets here tomorrow.
Man, this is a very expensive game. I cant remember it being this expensive last time.
Do I have to clean the sand? If I do then Ill do it tonight so I dont have to waste time tomorrow.
Ive cleaned the sand using the method described in a sticky. I have a picture of the tank but it dont really show much. This is what my mate sent me:
It dont look as big as what ive been told but I shall see tomorrow. I also cant make out a filter but I have been assured that there is one. Also, the water is way too clear for it to have no filter. Them plecs seem massive, if it is a 3 and a half foot tank.

Im still at a complete loss at what to do with the plants. Its been 3 hours since they arrived and theyve been in the bag in my living room ever since
The plants will be fine overnight until you get a chance to decide how you want them set up. If you need more substrate to plant them they can't wait forever. The plants would be better off in the tank even if you can't get the roots to hold properly for you.
Ok, ive had the tank set up for over 2 hours and i thought id do a test. Ive got an interpet easy test liquid kit. I have two plecs in there approx 4" in length. Plenty of plants also. The filter has a foam matured media in it. Im not sure of the make of it but ive taken a photo and will post it soon.

Temp 25c
Ammonia 0 mg/l
Nitrite 0 mg/l
Nitrate 0 mg/l

I have done this test twice and the readings were the same.
I don't know that filter at all. It may be one that is only available in the UK. After only being set up a couple of days and fish newly added, your water looks like new tap water that hasn't had fish in it. Of course, that is what you are testing. Tomorrow or the next day your test results will be more meaningful.

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