Hahahhaa!!! Welcome to my world, have a look at the link below, I couldnt decide, but kindly there was tons of info given:
I personally went for GSPs as they are really colourful and also were amongst the most intelligent out of those species, pretty much being underwater puppy. The F8s I still like, but want a bigger sturdier puff and the SAPs are cute but the clipping put me off.
It is going to be a hard decision for you hon, but read the infor Neale gave as it is conclusive and helped me aim at what I wanted!
SAP - main concerns teeth clipping (but you were prepared for this) and also they are known for pacing if not enough decorations or big enough tank space.
F8 - low brackish, probably easier than GSP only 3 inches very colourful
GSP - will need to take higher brackish later on
Let us know, i am excited to find out what you are going to go for! That person you were talking to sounded great!