Setting Up A Nano

Test results 4/07/09
Temp- 26 degrees
S.g.- 1.026
Ammonia- 0
Alkalinity- 80ppm
Calcium- 360ppm

So in two days my Alk and Calc dropped back to original levels, so I think I'll have to buffer more often to keep everything at appropriate levels, fun LOL.

So this afternoon I'm heading out to my two absolute favourites not so local LFS's to pick up a hermit crab, two snails and a coral or two. I also need to get some new suction cups for the heater. I'm fairly happy with my latest aquascape now, I really like the zoa garden/ softie dominated tanks most so I'm going to try and keep with that theme with corals. I've left the front area of the tank open for two reasons, top make siphoning debris easy and so I can have little islands of corals.
Well I'm back from my LFs tour, I picked up an as yet unknown quanity of morphs (she who doesn't count, just says that one, and that one and that one... LOL) and a fluorescent Favia my Mum fell in love with. I also came home with a single hermit crab as I couldn't find a suitable species of snail.

Oh and a 12" cube tank because I got it for a an absolute steal at $21.
So pic time.

FTS the jar is holding a very very teeny little purple morph which I paid $10 for they are rare as hens teeth around here so I bought it despite it's size and it'll just live in the jar till it either attaches to something with more weight or gets larger.

The Mini morph

These next two guys I have no idea what they are, and I'm not great at IDing corrallimorphs yet, so if anyone can give me even a vague name (discomosa, ricordea etc) that'd be great
Bright green


Then another guy with reddish/purple tints and green, there's actually three of these, a bleached one next to it and another large one on the opposite side of the rock, I'll have a go at breaking the rock in half later

And a bright red guy

And the little favia my Mum decided she just had to have

And a shot of one of me nems, directly diagonal to the nem on the left is my teeny decorater urchin who's be collecting all sorts of bits and pieces LOL

Oh and my new hermit is a yellow tipped hermit
Uve been lucky getting all that life with yours... when i finally get around to getting my LR i hope it comes with life like yours!
Well the mantis shrimp kind of negates the wonderful life LOL, though if only I could catch the stupid thing, or just get a glimpse of it LOL.

For anyone wondering, the current list of hitch hikers stands at- stomatellas, some random unidentified snails, at least three species of brittle star, one is quite large, two separate species of crab which are being eaten by the mantis so far I know of only one of each species that still survives, two species of chiton one of which was eaten by mantis, many various bivalves ranging n size from 3" to barely 1/5", some eaten by unseen mantis, three species of bristleworm one which grows to 12", the large one was removed but his little brothers still remain, one eunice worm that was beheaded by the mantis but lives to tell the tale, unsure of length however it is a species which can reach 1m (40") in length, doesn't appear to be a coral eater though, 5 species of featherduster one which is 4" in diameter, colonial tube worms, majano anemones which have sinve been removed when they started splitting, aiptasia (of course) a very shy flatworm who seems to eat copepods, non pulsing xenia which is growing incredibly fats under the Halide, a colt coral which has doubled in size, 4 species of zoanthids including some cool ones with aquagreen centres, various types of macro algae none that are growing rampant. Also peanut worms, hundreds of types of sponges and tunicates and a large variety of barnacles with interesting tentacles, also a vermicelli worm. One small urchin, one inch long cowrie.

The corals currently in the tank- 1 red discosoma, 1 tiny purple discosoma, one forest green rhodactis, 2 turqouise and brown rhodactis, 2 brown discosomas with green highlights coming up, three brown discosomas with blue highlights coming up, three blue and red discosomas, one fast growing colt coral, one small patch of xenia growing fast and a favia/favite coral that is also already growing. 1 frag with 6 lilac zoanthids

Livestock that has been added consists of a single hermit crab.

A few days ago disaster struck as well. The fuse on our electricity pole thingmajig degraded and we had just a trickle of power coming through it totally destroyed my water mixing pump and the 600l/ph pump and 950l/ph pump is about 10 times louder and driving me insane. Mum's oscar tank got hit much worse though. I managed to pull the plug about 40 seconds after the power cut, it was a few minutes later when I got to the other tanks. Even so my Marine tank heater isn't running correctly even set at 28 it's only heating the tank to about 22 degrees. The corals are fine and extending and the tanks limping along but I do need to replace equipment. So I've ordered a 1000l/ph canister filter which will replace all pumps currently in the tank. I won't run media in the filter except for carbon and GFO and will just clean, empty and refill it as my water change.

So the plan at the moment is to pretty much leave the tank as is after the new equipments in apart from the addition of a few more zoanthids and let everything settle and hopefully get the mushrooms reproducing. Then let everything mature and when university comes around I'll have to downgrade to the 12" cube which shall be... interesting LOL.

Here's some pics from before the power failure, the aquascapes changed slightly since then and looks heaps better, no current pics though














The tanks 65l, I won't be keeping fish as mentioned previously in 6 months time I have to downgrade to a 27l tank and plus it's much easier to care for without fish. There is xenia in there already you can kinda see it under the hairy shroom will be just letting it grow, it's tripled in size since it came in on the rock four weeks ago.
Just tested parameters
Temperature- 26 degrees celsius
S.g.- 1.025
pH- 7.9
Calcium- 320ppm
Magnesium- 1110 ppm

So Alk/Calc/Mag are all low. I have a drip with 50g Epsom salts dissolved in water running at the moment as I figure I need to boost the mag first before starting on alk/calc. It must be the coralline using it the only hard coral I have is the little favia/favite.
Well turns out the heater got wrecked as well, the tank's temp keeps dropping to 22 at night and rising to 26 during the day no matter what setting I put the heater on. So will pick up a new one today. The corals don't seem to have problem though their all extended and the favia/favite had it's feeding tentacles out last night.

My red shroom keeps getting knocked off it's perch so I attached it with putty this time to make sure it stays where I put it, as a little pink crab keeps getting annoyed at it but I refuse to give in LOL.

Also mild sadness this morning when I saw poor Dandy's body floating around, so picked up his shell to give it back to my land hermit crabs and out pops Dandy, I'm surprised he let his molt float so far away.
Nice looking tank! I am really looking forward to getting some corals for my nano.

Do hermits show any particular behaviour patterns before they molt?
He hadn't moved for a few days, I'd just figured he'd changed shells and the old shell had been abandoned, but he'd been in it the whole time, he's ten times more timid then before as well while his exo hardens.

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