Serpae Tetras

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Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2005
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USA - north georgia
Ive had my 29 US-gallon tank set up for about two weeks now, with four serpae tetras (they get nippy if now fed twice a day), two otos, and some ghost shrimp in it. I have 65 watt flourescent lighting and Im currently in the process of fully planting the tanks in the next few weeks ( im trying to get a mini- mangrove look). :nod:

Any suggestions for fish to add to my tank (in the long run)? I dont need any corries because of the shrimp and the ottos and im mainly looking for fish that wil swim all over the aquarium, not just restricted to one area.

I want some smaller fish (2 inches or 5 cm) because it is a preety small tank.

does anyone have any ideas to adding fish with my serpae tetras? :huh:
Id add two more serpae to begin with.They are ideally kept in groups of at least 5/6 and you should hopefully find that the nipping will stop and they will save their energy for each other.
You could then try some of the smaller tetra or barb with them.
A trio of cherry barbs. 1male and 2females. They would be a nice addition to the tank and they are pretty small.
Hi ArielC, I would wait another 4 weeks to add fish in your tank. Just to make sure the tank has cycled. Otherwise you will run into problems. Like Ich, ammonian, and nitrite poisoning.

After your tank has cycled you might try adding some hardy fish. White Clouds, Rummynose Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, a few guppies. A 29 gallon tank will get overcrowded quickly if you get carried away, though. So, don't put too many fish in it :)
The ghost shrimp and even the otos won't add much to the bio load so they dont' really have much effect on your stocking level. You could easily have 2 decent schools of tetras, say 8 to 10 each (as long as you have good filtration) of the serpaes and another one. I have serpaes and pristillas in my 29 gallon. A nice contrast of the red/orange of the serpaes and the near white of the pristellas.

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