Serpae Tetras attacking Corydoras

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Embers are tiny, you can go for a big group.
That's awesome that they will give you store credit for returning the fish! That way you will have some time to do your research on new fish before pulling a trigger on the next type of fish. Sorry that the serpaes didn't work out, they really are beautiful fish, but so it goes sometimes...
I keep reading more about the serpae tetras, and all I hear is that people get more of them and get live plants and then the tetras are fine. But I have 16 and a well planted tank! Did I just get a mean batch of serpaes??
That's awesome that they will give you store credit for returning the fish! That way you will have some time to do your research on new fish before pulling a trigger on the next type of fish. Sorry that the serpaes didn't work out, they really are beautiful fish, but so it goes sometimes...
Yes they are very pretty, I have been doing some research for the past week because I noticed the fin nipping.
Ember tetras are a lot smaller than serpaes. 30 of them would be less body mass than 16 serpaes.
?. Any opinions on rasboras. Ive heard of chili rasboras, harlequin rasboras, and galaxy reasboras. Are they peaceful? I think they are
Harlequin rasboras are the biggest of the fish in your list. They are very peaceful, as are the two slightly smaller lookalikes Hengel's rasboras (Trigonostigma hengeli) and espei's/lambchop rasboras (T. espei).
Galaxy rasboras are roughly the same size as ember tetras, though they tend to like harder water. Also very peaceful and need a large group as they are quite shy.
Chili rasboras are the smallest of the three; tiny fish. Being so small, you could have a huge group.
Thanks for the help and ideas everybody, I have the serpaes separated (in a breeders box in the same tank) I will take them in tomorrow. Im thinking of what fish to replace them with and am open to any other ideas!:)
Thanks for the help and ideas everybody, I have the serpaes separated (in a breeders box in the same tank) I will take them in tomorrow. Im thinking of what fish to replace them with and am open to any other ideas!:)
I think either harlequin rasboras or ember tetras. If you go with harlequin's go with 15 or so, and if you go with embers go with 30-35 if they have that many.

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