Serpae Tetras attacking Corydoras

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Got black phantoms in with my cory and shrimp now. I was worried they might take out the shrimp but they're totally harmless. Little bit of aggresion amongst themselves every now and then is all.
Next on my list to add to the mix will be lemon tetra - have heard nothing but good things about them.. but proof is in the pudding!
Lemons are great. Subtle beauty. Peaceful and hardy.
They are on the avoid list. Tiger Barbs like. The other tetras like Candy Cane or Bleeding Hearts are much more community oriented..but even they can take a bite every now and then. But Serpae are holy terrors.
Wish I would have heard this beforehand. Hopefully, my lfs will take them back!
Got black phantoms in with my cory and shrimp now. I was worried they might take out the shrimp but they're totally harmless. Little bit of aggresion amongst themselves every now and then is all.
Next on my list to add to the mix will be lemon tetra - have heard nothing but good things about them.. but proof is in the pudding!
Ill see what my options are for replacing them, I'm gonna miss the red color! I was really want a red schooling fish.
I also allowed myself to be seduced by the idea that they would be ok in a large group. I took them back within a week. IMO they are outright terrorists. If you want a peaceful community (as I do) they are not the fish for you.
A peaceful schooling fish is what I really need
As for peaceful, you can't really go much far from cardinals or rummynose tetras. Rummynoses are my favourite fish and look so striking when they are happy. You can tell they are happy when their entire head goes red.
Ill see what my options are for replacing them, I'm gonna miss the red color! I was really want a red schooling fish.
Have a look at Red phantom tetra and Flame tetra
I like the look of the flame tetra (they look very similar to the serpae). But I really need a peaceful fish, I don't want to try these and find out their mean too, anyone know if there peaceful?. Any experiences with the ember tetra?
My tiger barbs were replaced with a group of ember tetra. No aggression. Get 15-20, they feel more secure in a larger group.

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