Seriouse Of Algae Issues

I've seen a vid of your flow and it looks fine mate, nice sway to everything, the GSA or GDA has a cycle, about 3 weeks, leave it alone for 3 weeks, clean it off and keep an eye to see if it comes back. If it does see if its as bad as if not might be left over from before. I'd go with low CO2 as it was low for a while after your recent clean up so may be worth cleaning and seeing how or if it comes back.
okay i am not going ot be here for a week in 2 weeks time so i can lean it of now leave it for 2 to 3 weeks and see if it regrows, i know i left some on the left by accident but i made sure i cleaned the stuff on the right off but ye could be left over, i have a new better scrudper now so fingeres crossed i can get 100% of it off i am doing a water change tommo so i shall get rid of it then my only problems still is with my amazon swords no they have no leafs will it grow back or have i killed it off :S haha

but again thank you for the help you have given me
this is the extent of the algae i didn't even know it was this bad until i saw the pic with flash haha hard to see against the black background

Lol is someone looking after your tank while away?
not really buti have been here every day so far why? this has apeared since i last did the clean and i pretty sure i got it all

i am doing a water change now 50% clean the algae check my plants to see if they have any algae left but i cant see any, and cleaning my filters, i m doing this before co2 and before lights come on i will dose ferts strait after
okay i am not sure if this is going to help anything, but the tip of this plant has gone brown, now i don't know if this is normal and is a sign of melting or lack of something, i guess the more info i can give the better the problems can be solved i guess


that leaf is still the original no new leafs have grown since i think i can see a new one popping up tho

this is my anubais can you just please confirm that these have just melted normally




sorry for keep asking question i am ever learning tho

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