hmm okay i see what you mean, the only problem i will have is i can only fit 2 pipes on each side of the tank its not possible for me to fit 4 because of the tank design the triangle V like shape at the corner is to small

, at the moment what you say dose happen, but the filter inlets are at the opposite side of the tank but there is a circular motion going on in the tank like you saidi just need to position my power head at the top of the tank not at the bottom of the tank i guess?
as at the moment i my circle goes from bottom back left flow goes along the back wall hits the side where the intakes are, then comes back along the front wall ive been playing around with the powerhead all day trying to find a good place
the reason i have the 2 900lph power heads pointing towards the 5400 ones is because they are pretty much useless haha all they do is break up the co2 into smaller bubbles and push those bubbles onto the 5400lph head they are not even powerful enough to push water from the back to the front of the tank in my eyes and my filters are kicking probably less than that
again i shall get a video of the flow and try use filter floss to simulate the flow visibly too, to help aid with solving this issue
many thanks to everyone
just couple more questions
should i keep my co2 and lights on for just 6 hours or up them to 8?
(yes co2 comes on 2 hours before lights come on and goes off 2 hours before lights go off too)
and should i keep my power heads running throughout the night as well or is it okay to turn them off?