Separating my Fry


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2005
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Hiya - long time no see! :D

I have question :) I've read Annastasia's (very useful) article and yes it helped. My question is as follows...

I have about 23 fry, and today I noticed that I can see some gravid spots in a few of them. I don't want thousands more fry, so I'm going to try and separate them the best I can tomorrow night.

Would it be better to put all the females in my main tank, and keep a smaller male tank...OR...put all the males in the main tank, and keep the females in the smaller tank.

The reason I'm asking is that I'm aware that males are likely to nip/kill each other. Would they be less likely of doing this in the main tank, or would it not make any difference??

Thanks in advance ;)
Well, the bigger group of males you have, the less nippy they will be with one fish...they can spread out aggression more. I'd say males in the main tank, so their primary thought won't be nipping and harrassing each other, more chasing other fish and being pre-occupied so they aren't ALWAYS nipping and harrassing each other. Other fish will just spread it out some. Females will be perfectly fine together in a smaller tank....but this is just my opinions. :)
They were the lines I was thinking along too...thanks for confirming the fact that I'm not completely dumb! ;) :lol:
Lol, you aren't anywhere near dumb. Livebearers just have their quirks...and it takes some getting used to. Just as a question..what fish do you have in your main tank, and what size is it? :) Also, what size is the smaller tank?

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