Senior Moment Or Just Plain Tired


May 17, 2006
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Virginia, U.S.A.
Okay yesterday was the first day of school so I was busy all day since I had no kids underfoot. They came home with the usual ton of paperwork to go through and sign. When I finished I decided to check out the forums and came across " Fish Eating Plants". Perfectly clear right? What I thought he meant was his plants were eating his fish! Boy did I feel dumb. Does anyone else do this or should I just call the men with the fish nets to come and get me since I have obviously lost it ?
When I read that I thought it was Fish-Eating plants too! But then I realized it was fish, eating plants after about 10 seconds.
madmom, you're not alone. I thought exactly the same thing!
Okay yesterday was the first day of school so I was busy all day since I had no kids underfoot. They came home with the usual ton of paperwork to go through and sign. When I finished I decided to check out the forums and came across " Fish Eating Plants". Perfectly clear right? What I thought he meant was his plants were eating his fish! Boy did I feel dumb. Does anyone else do this or should I just call the men with the fish nets to come and get me since I have obviously lost it ?
:lol: oops me to :rofl:
Fish eating plants would be kind of cool. Of course, I wouldn't want to be the one who had to feed them.
Get one of those kind of tetras that jumps on the leaves of plants, and put a Venus Fly trap hanging on the top of your tank.

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