Selling Nearly All My Fish

Every time!!!
Go read the APC web site they don't have a license for sending live animals or fish! But as you say companies and people send them using APC...
The same as royal mail!

I sent out two large fish the other week and it cost £27 as it was over 2kg, that's just the cost, nothing I can do.

If you think it's a rip if them don't buy any, stop jumping on my threads every time and hijacking them with your bull crap posts!
i just think its only fair that people who arent aware of it are aware of the actual costs. there is only once were it cost me 25pounds with royal mail and that was to get sent about 40discus and 2pairs of cichlids in a huge box. and all other dozzens and dozens of times it has cost under the 13pounds. unless you posting big fish then its different but all the fish listed here you can get 4bags for under the 13pounds .tbh i dont remember the other of your thread you are talking about,but it must iof been exactly the same thing,it is nothing personal to you. but i feel people should be aware of this so not to be ripped off and if they want to pay it thats fine.i am not hijacking your thread i have said what i have to say and will say no more
Its only over £20+ if your going over 2kgs...
Due to circumstances outside of my control, I am selling a lot of my fish.


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Hi there,

Do the green terrors need to be kept on their own or will they be okay in a community tank with corys, guppies and gouramis?

I live just down the road from you so this would be ideal for me!

Maybe the name is a giveaway....

The Green terrors do need to be kept alone, OR with other large cichlids.

Unfortunately the Female killed the male last night, and I already have arranged for someone to take the female.

I still have other fish available and the remaining fish are good in a community, I will update the original post now

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