Second Spawn

Yes, when they are young many will rest along the bottom. As long as they can swim and aren't just laying there lifeless I don't think it's something to worry about. If you're feeding microworms this would be another reason they're hanging at the bottom, as microworms sink :nod:
I know but when I mistakenly stirred some up with the turkey baster they just floated around and went upside down and whatever else you can think of. But they looked alive, they looked just like the other ones. I really don't want to know what decayed fry look like, so I wouldn't know if they are alive or not, but I guess I'll find out soon enough
I know whenever mine died at just a few days old, they decayed pretty fast; there isn't much to them at that age. It's when they get older that the bodies stick around a little longer, I think :p
So I gave the fry to my neighbor to take care of for the weekend, and there were some laying there earlier this week, and well I come back tonight to see absolutely nothing except green stuff on the bottom which to me are decayed fry. I just don't understand anymore what I'm doing wrong. I don't know if she overfed them but I hope not, I showed her how much exactly. I didn't want to really give them to someone else but I had no choice, had to go home. This is just too frustrating. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
I guess we will figure it out sooner or later.

I have two day free swimming fry... this is my sixth attempt... and still have my fingers crossed hard.
So I gave the fry to my neighbor to take care of for the weekend, and there were some laying there earlier this week, and well I come back tonight to see absolutely nothing except green stuff on the bottom which to me are decayed fry. I just don't understand anymore what I'm doing wrong. I don't know if she overfed them but I hope not, I showed her how much exactly. I didn't want to really give them to someone else but I had no choice, had to go home. This is just too frustrating. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
Do you put syran wrap over the tank, if not, you may be affecting the growth of the labyrnth organ.
Since these fry weren't even what, two weeks old, and the labyrinth doesn't develop until about the third week, that's likely not the case.

Liv I'm so sorry to hear it didn't work out :( I guess that'll teach me to be so optimisitc, huh? :p There can't be anything so disheartening, and I know how much effort you've put into both these spawns; huggles to you and the beebees, and a big frown to the incompetent papa ;)
I guess you are not asking me, but anyway I am feeding mine infusoria and egg yoke.
:( gahh, I'm so sorry. That's really tough.

Definitely do a check-list and go over each thing in your mind before the next spawn. Maybe try a different food (MW's and VE's worked really well for me)? Was the temp totally steady? Was there a sponge filter in the tank? Live plants? IAL extract? Maybe try a slightly larger tank with a bit more water next time since it sounds like the messiness bothered you... I did a full water change when my fry were just 2 weeks old with no ill effects, just make sure the water you add is aged and exactly the same temp and PH as the tank water. In the end, it probably was the poor nest tending that really hurt the babies. Try a slightly more mature male, maybe, who is a great bubble-nester, active, and conditioned for a long period. Good luck next time! I know your luck will change :thumbs:
Hey guys,
thanks for replying. I really don't think it was the father, but next time I'm going to try my new coppers. I was feeding microworms but many of the beebees didn't even swim around, so I figured they were hanging at the bottom so I fed them. Ral wow, 6th time, I guess I just need to try some more.

I'm wondering, will adults eat springtails? Cause if so I wouldn't mind feeding them some of those cause I have tons.

Just some other things, is the green stuff on the bottom fungus or not? I did try to get it out by doin ga water change but they were only 5 days old and got shaken up a little. I wasn't sure if I should have left it but the whole bottom of the tank was pretty covered.
I was using a 5 g tub, filled with 4 inches of water and steady temp of like 82. I had the cover on over the whole top except like a 2 inch part on one of the ends for air.
The water was in there about 5 days before they spawned and just before I released her I changed some more of the water. I use chlorinated tap water, where I add aqua plus and then let it sit for a few days in a tub with the cover on with a little gap.... So I don't know what I did wrong, but it could be many things. I shall try again.
Yup six...

Jan-Feb. 2005

First was an Opaque CT with a Steel Blue CT (Marvin & Kichi). Male got beaten up. Kichi is a big fish. Female seem to want to spawn. When she was released she was hanging out near the male and his bubble nest. She even gave him a gentle nudge. Left them alone. A day later he looked pretty bad. :no:

Factoid: Kichi is the snail killer female CT. :D

Second was Marvin again, this time with a smaller CT female (Ginger). Vertical lines, no spawn. Minimal contact since only a few nips on either fish. Shortly after this Marvin passed away. :-(

Oct. - Nov. 2005

Third: Red Gold HM (well formerly HM) and Opaque Super Delta (Roy & Winter). Roy is one of my older fish (15-16 months old). After a day in the tank, building his nest and displaying for the female I found him on the bottom of the tank looking exhausted. He nearly died last Feb... from Ich. Seller gave him to me for free. He had lost 60-70% of his finnage by than due to finrot. Never grew back completely. I guess he was not healty enough for spawning.

Fourth: Blue HM PK and Green Female PK (Ralph and Greta). Spawned, eggs, very few fry (two dozen or so). All gone by day two.

Fifth: (well acutally this one is my girlfriends spawn, but I helped out :D ... maybe I should have not). Vinny Copper Red DT and a Red Female HM Geno. No wrap I think. She will try again.

Sixth: Green Masked Plakat with Female Greem Plakat (Zuma and Galema)... looks like 100-150 fry... going to day three... fingers crossed....
wow ral, good luck with this one. that's a hard long journey you've done. I had several going at the same time but some of the males just were too aggressive and chewed up the girls, even though I conditioned them for a week. Oh well
Have tried most spawn's in smaller tanks... (actually 14-15" round plastic containers... the Thai way).

Did two in a 15G tank... 24"x12"x12"... noticed that the girls there got only minor damage compared to when in a smaller tank. The 15G tank has two places for the female to hide.

In my current spawn, the male built the bubble nest far back inside the cup... so I could not tell they were eggs...

When they became free swimming a day earlier than expected I figured that the female may have been in there with the father and eggs for a whole 24 hours!

I think age has a lot to do with it...

The CT spawns were fish from mixed batches... the male CT could have been fairly old. Other than that, my other attempts were with fish 12 months or older...

The last one was my first with young 5-8 month betta's.
Yes, your adults will appreciate the springtails :nod:

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