Second-hand Filter, Need Some Info!


Fish Crazy
May 16, 2007
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Well, my mother-in-law has given me a second-hand Biolife 35 filter. It's working, has all the parts and the manual with it but nowhere can I find the size of aquarium this is suitable for! Any ideas? My tank is 3' long and currently I'm running a Fluval 1, a generic mini filter and a Fluval 2 -- temporarily! I'm hoping the new filter will replace the fluval as it is a bit knackered, but will that mean my tank is underfiltered?
The Biolife is suitable for 35 US gallons

They are (in theory) a great little filter as they have mechanical/biological including wet and dry and chemical filtration in one package, and you can also hide your heater out of the way.

They did tend to use up and wear out the powerheads quite often.

Spares are relatively easy to find on E-bay
Great, that means I will be able to take out a couple of the existing filters. Should free up some space. Thanks!
The Biolife 35 was supplied with the Hagen Tropiquarium 68 tank, and the Biolife 55 was with the Trop 88 ;)

I've got one in my Trop88 alongside a Fluval 3+ internal filter to.

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