Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence At Home


Fish Crazy
Jul 3, 2005
Reaction score
Great Britain, England
The goal of SETI@home is to detect intelligent life outside Earth. SETI@home searches for possible evidence of radio transmissions from extraterrestrial intelligence using data from the Arecibo radio telescope.

Anybody can participate in SETI@home by running a free of charge program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data.

The SETI@home distributed computing software runs either as a screensaver or continuously while a user works, making use of processor power that would otherwise be wasted.

With over 5.2 million participants worldwide, the project is the distributed computing project with the most participants to date. Since its launch on May 17, 1999, the project has logged over two million years of computing time. It is acknowledged by the Guinness World Records as the largest computation in history with over 900,000 computers in the system, SETI@home has the ability to compute over 250 TFLOPS. For comparison, Blue Gene (one of the the world's fastest supercomputers) computes 280 TFLOPS.


Firstly, download and install the sofware from the following link -

Once running it will ask you for project URL, ender the following -

Then it will ask you to create your account. After you have setup your account click the following link to join this Group -
i remember this! i had this (or something very very similiar) on our family computer about 6 years ago!
i should get that again.
We had this running at work for a long time, I thought the project was stopped? Maybe folding@home is a better project to donate your spare CPU cycles to:

oh my god the yanks want us to help them make more money from medicine????? lol better look for Aliens than make US DNA patenting thefts richer, let them pay for it themselves!!!

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