I've had a change around.
I was going to break this down. However, due to having a couple of fish that I can't rehome, I've had a shuffle round, meaning it's not a strict biotope any more....
Inhabitants are now:
1 ellioti x HRP (Ditch)
1 giant evil killer shrimp (Igor)
The reason I've moved them in here is that I don't trust the shrimp around my new corydoras and Ditch was ripping shreds off every other fish in 240L - the Thomasi and denisoni barbs have ripped fins, and the sev was spending most of it's time hiding out round the back. They've all relaxed loads since Ditch moved out on Saturday. I realise I'll have to do more regular water changes with a growing fish in there, and eventually the top bit of wood will have to come out to make more room.
I'm going to start dosing ferts on this. I'd like to get the crypts a bit bigger. I wont be adding any more moss after losing the old stuff under a blanket of green stringy algae. I am going to try to grow some Bolbitis heteroclita - this was one of my oroginal plans so I'm going to give it a go and see what happens.
I'll try to take some pictures in the next couple of days and post them up
Jack: I can't add peat as there's not really enough room in the filter. Leaves could work though...