Sculptured Backgrounds


New Member
Aug 8, 2004
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Portsmouth UK
Just been down my LFS looking at new tanks, and want a 'different' background than the usual backing.

They had these [URL=""][/URL]" in stock and they do look alot better than the cheaper polystyrene ones.

The price difference is huge though....the spectacular one is nearly £60 whereas the others are only £10.

Does anyone know anything about them ?? Can they be bought cheaper ?? Are there any other alternatives ??

you get what you pay for at the end of the day. what i did with my malawi tank was use expanding foam here it is


it has since got algae groth on it and looks very natural now. you can probably pick up expanding foam for a few quid for a tin, but i would advise a bit of practise first as it is tricky stuff! thats why someone else made my background :lol: :good:
wow that foam background looks good. is it aquarium grade? Any chance of a web link?

I like the idea with the expanding foam, id be tempted to make some basic rock structures, stick them to the back then cover with the foam though :)

theres a link to what i mean, but care is needed with the stuff as it will expand 10 fold very easily. if i was to use it on another tank i think id have a go at doing it myself straight into the tank rather than getting it made outside and them fixing to the tank with silicone :good:
I'd steer clear of the spectacular backgrounds if i were you.

I kept two display tanks with them in when they first came on the market and woefully sold some too, after a few months it became apparent that the painted on colour comes off, the finer details fall off and the general structure starts to disintegrate.

You end up with a bit of a mess on your hands and not at all what you were hoping for.

:good: The juwel rock and roots are much nicer :)

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