Scotlands Heatwave?

Ny82 said:
Try being in this heat and 8 months pregnant! 

My feet are so swollen my ankles have disappeared and they actually hurt just looking at them!
Not to mention the ten pack of sausages on my hands!
Aww I feel for you. My little ones 4, she was born in June 09,  I remember it being the hottest april, may and june ever! Not being able to get comfy. I thankfully did not get cankles, I was so fed up though. Saying that, I was at my fittest, I was walking or jogging everyday, I wanted to do race for life but had to sit it out. My bump didn't show until 6 months either!
Not long to go now, hang in there, it's so worth it :)
Yeah I wasn't the most energetic person to begin with - she's massive too. The hospital are keeping an eye as she measured 42cm at 34 weeks. They reckon she's gonna be huge :(
So thankful to have my other half do the heavy lifting on water changes. I stand for ten minutes and I gotta sit down aha!
I didn't have a fishtank back then! I am so glad lol. 
Oh wow that is big! My little one was 7lbs 14. I though that was big! 
Too hot in Scotland to do my job thats for sure... Cooking away! Was in Hawaii in May for our honeymoon and I have more of a tan now then what I came back with....
I'm soaking up every bit of sun before it disappears for the next 10 years. I've had my tank covered due to excess light due to every window and door open just to try keep the house cool. The kids aren't handling this heat much they keep telling me they sick of drinking water and getting covered in sun cream. Long may it continue
Aww what a shame on the kids, my little ones covered in factor 50 constantly! Drinking 8 packs of fruit shoot a day lol.
They are gonna turn into fruit shoots soon! Lol. And now I am glad I placed my tank in a corner, away from windows and direct heat/cold/sunlight.
I'm in California visiting at the moment and it is 40c! Not to mentioned there is a huge wildfire in the mountains over here. I slept with a window open the other night (yes, no air conditioning in this mess!) and we could smell the fire burning. Scary! I hope it cools down soon.
I'm near edinburgh and my tank hasn't gone below 27 for about 2 weeks. The heater is set to 24 so at least I'm saving on leccy. I agree with most of my fellow scots on here, we are not used to this heat and I'd love it to cool down now by a few degrees. We have a couple of fires here too, one on Arthur's seat and one on the braid hills but they don't know yet how they started.

Ny82, I hope your Dad is doing better with the heat. It can be a nightmare for some folk.

David J said:
I'm near edinburgh and my tank hasn't gone below 27 for about 2 weeks. The heater is set to 24 so at least I'm saving on leccy. I agree with most of my fellow scots on here, we are not used to this heat and I'd love it to cool down now by a few degrees. We have a couple of fires here too, one on Arthur's seat and one on the braid hills but they don't know yet how they started.
Ny82, I hope your Dad is doing better with the heat. It can be a nightmare for some folk.
You know, I was going to ask/say the same thing...I hope your dad is feeling better now!

Oh, and fruit shoots are full of rubbish things. Sweeteners! You know Aspartame is on the US Defence list of neurotoxins? I actively avoid giving anything with sweeteners to my wee boy!
Thanks guys, he was stable then took another turn, was on the drip for dehydration but is back to normal now. I am going back through tomorrow.
The heat in edinburgh was a nightmare, i'm in central scotland, I came back over and was like it's not even hot lol. 
Oh they are only kids, we didn't have all this fuss and healthy eating back in the day and we turned out fine :p 
Did we? I don't know about you but I'm bloody mental!

Sorry for the drama but I love a good conspiracy theory! Back to the weather, though, I enjoyed the short thunder storm we had here!
Are you having a thunder storm too? It's so refreshing, just want to run out into the rain and get soaked without looking like a maniac!
What did I say about us turning out fine...:p
I think you should retract that statement want to run out into a lightening storm and I think the world's governments are going to do us all in!

Yeah, we turned out OK!
Must just be this heat hahaha! On that note, the rest of the week is meant to be raining. We quickly forget the beautiful sunshine we've been getting with just 1 rainy day!

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