Scolio's Planted Journal


Fish Fanatic
Aug 11, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa,Cape Town
ok so this is my first journal...
i hope it gets interesting and beautifull

so details


20w aquatic plant light,?
pink or white?

maby at a later stage

sand substrait
and bog wood if i can fing some decent stuff or rocks

Water flow...
i am wanting khulis/kuhlis/coolies so i think not gentel if they realy need that or just well airated...

what do u all think?
i am going to get somee fertiliser to put under the sad tomoro do i need it, or will the fishes waste be enough i am wanting kuhlis so they might mix the ferts into the water would that be a problem??
edit:do i need ferts under the subsraight or can i just add liquid ferts monthly?
Depends on the plants you're getting. Root-feeding plants like swords, vallisnerias, crypts etc will definitely benefit from substrate ferts. For stem plants, mosses, ferns etc, liquid ferts will be enough.
i made a sponge filter for my hospital tank today and a glass devider for my betta tank, but did not get the ferts...
i also fixed the leak in the hangon fiter and took the sand out of it so it works now...

hopfully i can get my mom to take me to the lfs tomorrow so i can get the fertiliser. How thick should thelayer of firts under the sand be? Will it changethe pH of the water? and what is a good choice and maby, if they have, some rocks or bogwood but i know it is like 300 South Afican Rand a peace so highly unlikely...

i have washed some more sand
how thick should the sand be?
ok everything is set up
how do i get silt out of the water?
will post some pics later...
If you washed the sand properly there wouldn't be much silt at all. If you washed it enough it will clear within 24 hours of adding water to the tank.
ok everything is set up
how do i get silt out of the water?
will post some pics later...
If you washed the sand properly there wouldn't be much silt at all. If you washed it enough it will clear within 24 hours of adding water to the tank.

well i thought i washed it properly,the watter was running clear through it, what must i doif it does not clear within 25 hours
ok everything is set up
how do i get silt out of the water?
will post some pics later...
If you washed the sand properly there wouldn't be much silt at all. If you washed it enough it will clear within 24 hours of adding water to the tank.

well i thought i washed it properly,the watter was running clear through it, what must i doif it does not clear within 25 hours
Do water changes, wait some more, water change a bit more...

When I clean sand I fill 1/3 of a bucket with it, then spray water in at a high pressure which greatly mixes the sand to 2/3 full, pour out the water and repeat 3 or 4 times. When I do this no silt is visible at all.

For about 5 hours the water stays a little milky but that's all.

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