I am very excited to read that news SH, and am looking forward to getting the science forum up and running ASAP.
And on that note, just throwing some words together here, but I think that the following are some of the 'science rules' that should be in place. Everyone, please feel free to add/revise/discuss anything I wrote here. I'd like them to convey the feelings that as a science based subforum, there are certain expectations that should be met, but at the same time right now I think they may be a little too, um, intimidating is the best word I can think of. I no way do I want to scare people off if they don't think they can support their arguments with good evidence -- because asking and answering questions scientifically is also great. However, again, I also don't want people to be able to post "I put tabasco sauce in my tank and I think that my fish are healthier now so I think it is great!" and then expect the forum to embrace that idea.
This is a scientific based subforum of TFF. As such, a post in this subforum will be held to higher standards than the rest of the forum.
1) The principles of good science should govern the contents of all posts. These principles include:
a) Evidence* must be presented that supports your claim/idea.
B) Direct questions about your ideas must be answered in a timely manner.
c) Proper citation/acknowledgement of previous work should be given.
d) Science is based on logical conclusions based on observations.
2) If you have some idea that goes against commonly held current theory, you are welcome to post it. However, people will attack your arguments with glee and fervor in this subforum. If you cannot handle that kind of attack, perhaps you need to rethink your idea, as well. Remember: you came to this forum. This is what science does, it will probe and prod and attack any new idea to find the weaknesses and limitations of a new theory. If your theory is strong, it will be able to stand up to such questioning, and may even become part of the commonly held current theory.
3) Try to avoid using any of the common fallacies (http
/www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/). Using them severely weakens any argument you try to make.
4) In particular, Ad Hominem attacks will not be permitted. These are attacks against the person and not the theories/evidence/ideas they present. This includes but is not limited to name-calling. If you disagree with a person's ideas, find the evidence that backs up your point of view.
5) Science is NOT a democracy. Just because a large number of people believe something or a large number of websites say something, does not necessarily mean that that something is a fact. There should be documented facts to back up
6) Scientifically, the use of words like theory, belief and knowledge have rather specific meanings, and those meanings are not the same as used in everyday language. Please read the FAQ if you are unfamiliar with the way these words are used in a scientific context.
7) Skepticism is a very significant part of science, so expect it to be applied liberally to any statements you make in this subforum. As regarding 4) above, do not take this personally, present more objective evidence to support your point of view.
* There is a wide range of evidence that can be presented. On the side of very strong evidence would be a well-planned set of experiments from which a statistically significant amount of data was gathered objectively and from which a confident conclusion can be drawn -- normally this level of work is what has been published in the scientific journals. On the side of very weak evidence is performing an act one time and drawing conclusions from that, especially if it is just based on your personal word. No, it is not that we don't believe you, it is just that your personal word is an example of anecdote, and anecdote is a very weak form of evidence. This is part of the reason good documentation is necessary to support claims. Finally, if you only present weak evidence to support your idea, do not expect too many people to convert to your point of view.