Schooling Fishes???

I think angels and tigers barbs might be too risky, i think i am going to use gourami as my "semi-agressive" fish.
does anyone know which gourami is the best?? bala sharks are out of the question because my tank is not big enough. As for red-tail shark - I thought they are only agressive to each other and not to other fishes???? gotta give some info olive....! :look:

Chewy- said:
I think angels and tigers barbs might be too risky, i think i am going to use gourami as my "semi-agressive" fish.
does anyone know which gourami is the best?? bala sharks are out of the question because my tank is not big enough. As for red-tail shark - I thought they are only agressive to each other and not to other fishes???? gotta give some info olive....! :look:

I think any gourami would work.............I am not really sure about the red tailed sharks being aggressive towards themselves.........I have always been told that they were semi aggressive but have never seen them act that way in my tanks..........
Chewy- said:
Ok, thanks olive for the info :) I think I am gonna use the infamous opaline gourami....
lemme know how they do, okay?

just curious, how much are your rummies there where you live???
I'll let you know when I setup my 30 gal....
How much are the rummynoses?....I think it's about $2 US dollars....
I am thinking of getting about 10 - 15, so it will cost be about 30 bucks... :S :X
Oh Olive, do reply in my other topic about the sand and black gravel....... ;)


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