Okay Chewey

...........I understand your plight about the $$$ of the Rummies. Here's what I do about that..................I buy two at a time once a month, 'til I get the number I want. The only reason that I am beating this dead horse is that I have kept almost any kind of tetra you could imagine.................none have schooled like Rummy Noses...........
NONE. I have 7 right now and they never cease to amaze and mystify me!
I was talking on the phone tonight to a boring client who just went on and on

...........the only way I didn't die from boredom was the fact that my rummies kept "flashing"

everytime their school came buy my area of the office...............they love the current that my H.O.T filter creates. They are also quite hilarious when swimming into the bubbles my bubble wand makes........they swim into it and let the bubbles carry them up......it looks as though they are on a roller coaster or driving a car over a really hilly road.
One time, at my other house, my 55 was a semi-aggressive tank. That made my tetras all swim together.................I had glowlights, ( I highly recommend those too!) neons, black neons, and rummy noses in there with some bala sharks and gouramis with a few others I cannot remember...........they all all schooled together and it was such an amazing sight. I literally didn't watch TV the whole time we lived there because of this. The tank was behind the couch so instead of facing forward and watching the TV, and I would turn around and gaze at the tank. I think it was one of the reasons I didn't go crazy! (Really BAD work environment, made me absolutely NUTZO!

I know the suckers are stupid expensive

.............but to me, community tanks aren't worth having at all without rummy noses.......... I swear they are the Andy Dicks and Pamela Andersons of the tank (funny and beautiful)!
It may take a while to amass your collection, but when you have a nice shoal, you will not be sorry! Now go buy some rummies before I preach some more to you and anyone else who will listen!!!
*Olive steps down from her rummy nose soap box*