Fish Crazy
Hi all,
This is not really a beginner's question but my question doesn't seem to fit anywhere else. Ok, here's my question, i going to setup a 30 gal tank some time in the future (when? ask God - He knows ) and I want this tank to be more of a "schooling" tank, which means fishes that school in a group. I was thinking of neon tetras but I heard that neons spread out when they are in a big tank or when they are used to the place. Which fish school tightly even in big places??
Ps.- Don't recommend cardinals or rummy noses. they burn a BIG hole in my wallet!!! lol!!!
This is not really a beginner's question but my question doesn't seem to fit anywhere else. Ok, here's my question, i going to setup a 30 gal tank some time in the future (when? ask God - He knows ) and I want this tank to be more of a "schooling" tank, which means fishes that school in a group. I was thinking of neon tetras but I heard that neons spread out when they are in a big tank or when they are used to the place. Which fish school tightly even in big places??
Ps.- Don't recommend cardinals or rummy noses. they burn a BIG hole in my wallet!!! lol!!!