Schooling fish recommendations for 55 gallon tank.

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Fish Herder
May 31, 2019
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So a friend of mine was going to buy a bunch of Serpae Tetras and I offered to give him the 15 or so that I have in my 55. I haven't had any issues with them, I just wanted to go a different route with the tank.

So now I'm looking into some schooling fish species (possibly 2) for my 55 gallon tank. Without the Serpae Tetras I've got some room to play with. I like the size of the Serpae Tetras, but I'm not against going with a species that is larger or smaller. I'd go with 15+ depending on the size of the fish. Less for larger species.

Here's what I'm working with.
55 gallon planted tank
2 german blue rams
1 clown pleco
about 20 bronze corydora
6.8 ph
5 dkh
10 nitrate

Here's some species that have come to mind

Neons - even though I've gotten a bunch of bad batches and never had any luck with them, I can't deny that they would look amazing in the tank
Harlequin Rasbora
Black Ruby Barbs - Even though they show resemblance to Tiger Barbs, I've heard they are far more peaceful. Can anyone confirm this?
Congo tetra

I'm drawing a blank here....Anyone have any other ideas? I'm not fully convinced that any of the fish I've listed are ones I'd actually commit to keep.
For the rams I’m presuming high temperatures otherwise would have recommended glowlight danios. Pork chop rasboras for me look so cool and could be an idea for you?
If you’d like a strong coloured school have you considered ember tetras?
Water is good, but the main issue here is temperature. Blue rams (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) need warmth, 82-84F/28-29C is best, but certainly no lower than 80F/27C. Their physiology will not function adequately at lower temperatures, which is why they never live a full lifespan (4-5 years).

Neon tetra cannot manage with that high a temperature, they need it around 75-77F/24-25C max or slightly under. I could suggest the related Paracheirodon axelrodi (cardinal) or even better the P. simulans (green or false neon) which really likes the warmth, up to 95F/35C in their habitat, but very happy in the ram's preference. But your bronze corydoras cannot manage at this temperature long-term, they should not be above 75-77F/24-25C.

Black Ruby Barbs are indeed more peaceful, a lovely barb. I had my group of 9 in with 10 Congo Tetra for several years and the Congos were never molested notwithstanding their long finnage, something I was keeping under very close observation. The barbs need it cooler than the rams, temperature range 22-26C/72-79F. Same range for the Congo Tetra.

Harlequin Rasbora has a temperature range of 21-28C/70-82F but when ranges are this spread the fish will tend to function best in the mid-range, tolerating the extremes for temporary periods.

Given the tank size, the other suggestions would be a good choice, provided the rams can be re-homed to a smaller tank. If they remain, the cories need to find another space.
If you figured out a place for the corydoras and had a warm water tank you could do rummynose and cardinal tetras probably
That you everyone for the recommendations, I'm going to look into each and every recommendation when I have the chance.

I forgot to mention temperature which I keep at 80f. I've been toying with the idea of rehoming the rams as well since I'm aware that I'm really pushing the limit as far as temperature goes for the corys. I find the corys to be irreplaceable in this tank.

Keep the recommendations coming!
That you everyone for the recommendations, I'm going to look into each and every recommendation when I have the chance.

I forgot to mention temperature which I keep at 80f. I've been toying with the idea of rehoming the rams as well since I'm aware that I'm really pushing the limit as far as temperature goes for the corys. I find the corys to be irreplaceable in this tank.

Keep the recommendations coming!
You must really be a fan of the corys! I’ve always wanted blue rams seem amazing temp puts me off tho :( I have bronze corys as well what Dyu think of them
You must really be a fan of the corys! I’ve always wanted blue rams seem amazing temp puts me off tho :( I have bronze corys as well what Dyu think of them

They are awesome always digging though the sand and make such an entertaining lower level fish. They are a staple in any community tank. I agree, the rams really complicate things with their temperature requirement.
I also really like them, I’m in a weird position where I’ve got such a passive tank they’re probably the “alphas” of the tank which is quite funny, they do roam around as if it’s there’s
That you everyone for the recommendations, I'm going to look into each and every recommendation when I have the chance.

I forgot to mention temperature which I keep at 80f. I've been toying with the idea of rehoming the rams as well since I'm aware that I'm really pushing the limit as far as temperature goes for the corys. I find the corys to be irreplaceable in this tank.

Keep the recommendations coming!
Would you recommend rams? I’ve alwaus wanted them but seem like such stress
I think if you have the right tankmates Its fine
It seems like they’ve got a betta mentality with one another judging by the other posts. I haven’t even had a betta tank yet tbh! Being new at this it is addictive wanting to try everything
It seems like they’ve got a betta mentality with one another judging by the other posts. I haven’t even had a betta tank yet tbh! Being new at this it is addictive wanting to try everything
So addictive
1)You can replace the German Blue Rams with the following:
a)Apistogrammas: 3-4
b)Bolivian Rams

Some Apistogrammas are:
- Apistogramma Cacatuoides
- Apistogramma Agassizii
- Apistogramma Bitaeniata
- Apistogramma Trifasciata
- Apistogramma Panduro

2)For Schooling fish,
there are just too many.
You can go through the different species and check their requirements:

Catalogs of fish here:


3) My favourite Corydoras are Adolfoi Corydoras (but more expensive) and Leopard Corydoras (cheap).

All the best!

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