Sam's Nano Journal

Hair - I only have 3 shrimp in there, should I add another 4/5?

Thread - this seems to only be on the glass so it gets removed each week during the clean, but if I could prevent it that would be best, of course. Would more shrimp also help with this?

Green spot - it seems to only be on the crypts at the moment. I don’t have any ottos or sucker mouth catfish as there isn't the space really, but I could add one or two ottos at a push? Or is there something else I can do?

Full tank - I removed the arch, any views on how it looks without it? Better/worse? It is a very big feature in the tank, thinking perhaps too much of a feature?

Great work Sam :good: it certainly looks gorgeous from where I'm sitting and find it impossible to see algae issues.

I would say add more shrimp - they will certainly help without a doubt. I wouldn't add otos - I think the tank is too small for that and I am very sure the shrimp will help with those issues.

(Speaking from my very limited experience and what I've witnessed in my own tanks) As your tank is still fairly new, I think it will take a few months yet for things to really settle and until then algae will be a bigger problem now, than it will be down the line.

My preference is definitely without the wood :)
I find it a bit overbearing with it in the scape.

Yes - 4 mosquito rasboras, 4 dwarf rasboras and 6 sawbwa barbs (each less than an inch long)


Thanks for the reply, as I say the algae isn't a huge problem just best to catch it early if I can :) and you're probably right its still early days yet and so just needs to settle down more. Hopefull in the longer term the plants will prevent the algae.

Will get some more shrimp and wont add the ottos, thought the woudl be too big for this tank, but worth an ask. Any suggestions as to what to replace the arch with? Was thinking some R. macaradra (Sp? :S) What about a tiger lotus? If i can get one small enough?
Haha :lol: Im one a piece for the arch, we'll see what the score is at the end of the day ;) I know the decision is ultimately mine, but I just cant decide! My biggest problem is that I haven't a clue what to replace it with, or if I keep it what to cover it with, if anything at all?

Yeh tried that but it got swamped by thread algae, could wait until the algae issue is sorted and try again I guess. That was always the plan when I first set it up after all.
Superb looking tank, very interesting read.....

Having read through your journal and also Craynerds nano journal, I'm full of inspiration about my own small/nano project. Together they read like a 'start up guide' for nano's :good:

I've just been bought a 2ft version of this.....
Aqua One - Aqua Garden
My version measures 24" x 14" x 9" deep with a single 36W T5 tube.
The rear of the tank rises to 16" high, to allow suitable plants to grow out above the waterlie and
hopefully flower.

I've been thinking about EI, but now I've seen your results, I've certainly go to try it with this new tank.
I may even need to drop the DIY setup and go for a pressurised one (Oh the £££££)

I've recently aquired some HC for the tank and now have a better idea on how I need to plant it .....
I think I got it wrong, mine is planted in small 'clumps' a few cm apart. Obvioulsy I need to seperate them
out much more.

I've also got a piece of bogwood covered with Christmas moss coming shortly and will probably include this in the setup (maybe after the main algae stage')

Great tank......keep the updates coming.

Mr G
Thanks Mr G,

Glad I've (and to a lesser extent Craynerd ;)) have inspired you do try it yourself. I hope you decide to document your adventure in a jounral on here, would be well worth it.

I like the look of you're tank, really interesting shape, and as you say allows for some plants to grow out the top.


Over the next week or so, I should get a plan together about how I want this to look ...... no doubt it will change, but I need a 'start position'.

I'll may start a journal ... using EI would be a big step as I've only really been taking the planted side more serious since Christmas, but nothing ventured ! However, be warned ... There WILL be questions asked !

As for the tank, it was bought this weekend, LFS had it on offer ... part suprise, part impulse purchase ... never seen one before and really looking forward to getting started on it.

Mr G
Sam, sorry I missed this, had a bit of catching up to do. If there's algae in your tank, I don't see it, which is good. For help, I got rid of my BGA by upping Nitrates. And I think it was Zig who got rid of spots of algae by injecting NO3 on it while the filter was off.

The tank looks great. Don't get a Nymphaea species, they will get WAY too big for your tank. It's almost too big for my 15g and the root structure can get HUGE, not good for you HC. The macrandra would be a better bet, if you're still interested. My only concern is that it would be a really strong focal point, but then it could look really cool too. I actually see the possibities of no arch, if you find the right plant, it can look splendid. You can send the arch to me. :D I do appreciate a good piece of wood.

llj :)
This ones for Bloo :) (but everyone feel free to look and comment ;)) so she can see the before and after pics of my tank after I let lose a crazy mad man with a pair of scissors, hell bent on creating havoc in an other wise peaceful tank :lol: in other words - me!





And just a few others so you can see the destruction in all its glory :lol:




And despite some very good advice to the contary (sorry Llj :)), I went ahead and got a lotus plant today :crazy: After seeing one in a shop I visited recently I couldn't resist, it was only about 5cm tall, so Im going to experiment with growing them really, really small. will hack off all leaves as soon as they get tall and just see how it goes. I may even plant it in a pot in the substrate to contain the roots, not 100% sure yet. Any advice (other than 'Sam to idiot it'll get huge!') would be appreciated.

Wow, not at all what I expected. That looks delicately precisely pruned - not randomly whacked (as I had in mind!). It's looking awesome - gives me inspiration for my little tank too ;) just need to get my finger out !

Sorry, but what is in the bottom right hand there (in the last pic) ?
If you mean the plant its Pogostemon helferi (try trpica) if you mean the fish one is a dwarf rasbora and the other is a Sawbwa barb (sawbwa replendens).

I tried to thin out the HM as well as give it a bit of a prune and taking craynerd's sisters advice I cut down into it rather than hacking it off at the base. Think it worked, only time will tell!

The HM and HC look far more green in these pics than in real life, for once camera shows them off better than they are in realy life! Typical!

I should have added to that post that I took about 60% off the HM and 50% of the HC. The HC seems to have responded and is growing more conpact, so hopefully Ive crack the 'lush carpet' look now.

I'll post another pic tomorrow once the lotus is planted.

If you mean the plant its Pogostemon helferi (try trpica) if you mean the fish one is a dwarf rasbora and the other is a Sawbwa barb (sawbwa replendens).
I shuold have clarified a bit better ! I meant the plant :)


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