I have just read Cryosi's lil post in reply to mine and just want to add a couple of things.
1) If goldfish are coldwater fish how come they are bred in warm water and prefer warmer water? My goldfish tank stays at around 25....not very cold is it....
2) If salt is good for healing our skin then surely the same works for fish? Just like ammonia is harmful to us etc....
3) I have looked into tropical fish before getting any, I have done my research with the best of them. I think you'll find that it is through research that many people find sites like this. I think you'll also find that just as others on here agree with the salt, so do people writing about it in reports.
4) I would much rather put something natural in the fish tank than go out and buy a load of chemicals to put in the tank. Surely since salt is present in our bodies and our food it is in the earth therefore the water? As others have so eloquently put it, plus I know nothing about the science behind it all, I just know it is there.
5) In a way it was to treat infection as I got 5 guppies and 4 of them died...due to the non alkalinity of the water and the shock of the change in Ph......
6) Just to be fecicious cos I'm feeling that way out....what happens in the wild? No one treats them there at all they just get eaten right? So either you're gonna help the fish or kill it. Simple.
Am I done? Yes I believe I am. Just because some of us are new to the hobby doesn't mean we're any less interested in keeping our fish happy and healthy. I do believe you to have ranted on a truly wrong footing. End of story....but at least I know who to come to for advice if I have problems....
Ok, my rant is over now!
oooh....how do you know your guppy is gonna have her babies? I'm getting fed up of waiting...and watching....and waiting....and watching....She's hiding underneath a plant now!