
Have the mollies been raised in salt water? If not, the do not need salt added. Not to mention the other fish in your tank, who may not be able to handle salt that well, especially the pleco.
I agree with sinuhe,if themollies have never experienced a salty environment then,dont worry and keep them in fresh water.And even if they are used to salt ,little by little you can get them used to a fresh water tank.
Something you should think about is the fact that some fish wont tolerate brackish environment,the same goes with some live plants plants.
Remember,if you have a community tank,meaning having different species from similar environments,try to keep a fresh water tank;Some fish can tolerate a little salt but,like I said before mollies dont really need them to survive or to flourish so,dont use salt unless all your fish really need it.
were they in salt when you bought them? because they don't truly need it, old misconception that has been proven false over the years. mine are totally fresh and do great. that and you have a plec, salt is a big no no for plecs (check out the pinned article under catfish cradle). :)

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