Salt Water Dipping


New Member
Nov 15, 2002
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I unfortunately was unable to do a water change in my community tank for just over 3 weeks and as a consequence lost my Siamese Fighter. (RIP Darius )

The rest of the fish (columbian blue tetra's, zebra danio's, glowlight tetra's and dragontail guppies) are now showing signs of fin rot.

I have performed 3 emergency 50% water changes a week ago, and placed the fish in a salt water dip just after the last water change. The salt water dip was 2 teaspoons of salt per UK gallon and i left them in for 15 minutes. I was wondering whether i can / should dip the fish again? and if so with what frequency?

Obviously i dont want to stress the fish too much but i would rather do everything i could than sit and watch them all die.
yes, do it tomorrow, and every day. I'd even go up to 3 teaspoons/gallon for 30 minuits, unless they show signs of pain of extreme stress. Especially the guppies, they're almost brackish.

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