Salt Comparisons


Just found this for Instant ocean at 35 ppt at a SG of 1.026

Seffie x

red sea coral pro is a good salt its what i use for my own tanks and work tanks, tried tmc pro but wasnt overally impressed so went back to red sea coral pro, the normal red sea cheap salt isnt amazing but the coral pro is good imo ...
Seffie its an empty bucket, will check in a bit for you. Just finished tank move, still got to put corals back.

Woo hoo ......does that mean photos soon then :good:

Seffie x


Just had a morphine tablet, it was harder work than I expected, Andrew did alot more than I thought he would need too do, he stopped a leak for me on the UV too. Bits everywhere. It is a bit cloudy from the new sand, but yes there will be an update at some point tonight. I am quite excited about gurgle gurgle shwoosh sounds coming from the tank, I have a sump, me, and I plumbed it myself (apart from a little leak).

Give me half hour or so and I will type up what you need.
Just tells you what is in it on the box, found these on net for you though Seffie.

Tropic Marin Pro Reef Salt

Temperature - 26c
Salinity - 35ppt
pH (Salifert) - 8.40
Phosphate - 0ppm
Calcium - 400ppm
Magnesium - 1050ppm
Alkalinity - 7.7Dkh

I do dose for alkalinity, not sure what other salts are like for this, for me it is an advantage to use it as the LFS uses the same salt which means acclimatising is not as stressful.
So, looking at those stats it seems that Instant ocean isn't as bad as I thought it might be, going to test my calcium again to check the level, but the H2O is looking good with Calcium at 440 and Mag a 1340, certainly the highest so far and Truck says it dissolves well

Anyone got any more stats for us to compare?

Seffie x



Tropic Marine P 400 1050 8.4
H2O 440 1340 8.3
Instant Ocean 425 1273 8.80

Seffie X

Great :good:

Has anyone used the new 'Tunze reef excel lab' salt that was reviewed in marine world - looks good and supposed to be a good price as well?

calcium 440
mag 1350
nitrate 0
phosphate 0
carbonate hardness 10
silicate 0
iodine 0.6 ppm

Seffie x

red sea coral pro is a good salt its what i use for my own tanks and work tanks, tried tmc pro but wasnt overally impressed so went back to red sea coral pro, the normal red sea cheap salt isnt amazing but the coral pro is good imo ...

Shibby, have you got the stats for us please?

Seffie x

Well, seffie, if it's a Tunze product, I'd imagine it's not junk. Nothing they attach their name to performs poorly ;). Sadly on my side of the pond, their stuff is REALLY expensive
I'll be adding stats of Reef Crystals tomorrow morning hopefully... Just posting this so I see the thread tomorrow and remember, my memory is like a sieve...

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