Alex Brown
Fish Crazy
My Red Sea Pro Coral sand has run out. I was wondering if would cause any problems if I switched to the Aqua One sea salt? Only reason is that its cheaper for the bucket load.
from what ive heard, aquaone is one of the worst salts you can get, try reef crystals, buy in big buckets as its cheaperMy Red Sea Pro Coral sand has run out. I was wondering if would cause any problems if I switched to the Aqua One sea salt? Only reason is that its cheaper for the bucket load.
AquaOne salt is no good for a reef IMO. I used it for an age, and it was costing a small fortune adding additives to correct it's deficienciesIt lacks Alk, Ca, Mg and most trace elements. It's cheap for a reason. You'll do fine with it if running FO/FOWLR, but for a reef it is no good
It isn't due to me testing a dodgy batch, in the 8 months I was using it, I had water from about 50 buckets across 4 or 5 batches (getting it from the LFS at which I work..)
I'm finding the same thing with Instant ocean
I use Reef Crystals myself. While one bucket isn't a representative sample (an I've only used about 1/8th ish, so mixing issues may also lead to deviation within the bucket itself...), Mg, Alk and Ca are all good, if slightly too high, out of the stuffI haven't tested the trace elements for it though, so can't comment on them.
Got me to thinking..............we probably all use lots of different makes - could we all post the content levels, then we could work out what would be best for which situation:
Reef with no hard corals
Reef with a few hard corals
Reef with lots of hard corals
It's hard to recommend the salt brand for you without knowing your objectives. The reason for so much product variation goes further than price, different people target different levels for Mg Alk and Ca in their tank, so you need to try get your product to suit a different group of consumers when you enter the already saturated reef salt market with a new product, so you mix to get slightly different levels for each thing tested for to what your competitors produce
Yes, I am just about to buy a new tub of salt and could really do with some help here
All the best
D+D h20 pro ocean salthigh mag, calc, alk