Saintlys "the Miracle Mire"

This is coming along well, Saintly. I like the hardscape and the anubias especially.

thanks guys and gals

a fishy pic...updates later

That is the sexiest Tank I have Seen.
That wood is amazing.

I see you have SB Rams - How are you finding them, as i did try them but they lasted about 1 hour with my other Blue rams.

dont know what else to say but wow

i am so enviousss.

wow. LOL


wow O_O


thats an awesome job u've done (Y)

man we need fish handy men like u rofl
well thanks everyone for the kind words.

unfortunately this scape is over after a disaster with co2 injection.

here's the best full tank shot i had. it was no where near completion so please forgive certain areas of the scape not being grown in. more the stems at the rear.


anyway, on to the next scape.
A truely inspirational tank!

Before you forget, can I ask you some details please, if you have time?

What lights did you use / luminare? & What was the lighting reigeme?
Substrate (for plants) - is that Aquasoil.

Such a shame something went wrong though!!! :shout: What happened????


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