Safely Integrating Two Tangs {sf & Pbt}

If it is a temporary measure for 2 babies then I see no problem. If they are still in there in 6 months time then I would understand your concern but for now it really isn't an issue. :S
The main reason that I don't like "Tang Police" is because they have absolutely no definitive, scientific proof backing their "advice". It's like going around telling little kids that it will rain that day if they squish a spider. It may rain by sheer coincidence, but their is absolutely no proof to back it.
My advice, Lavalamp is to check out as many forums, books etc as you can

IMO Lyden is wrong about this as both Navarre & I think that your tank (240 ltr) is inadequte for the fish you want

There are a few other Forums that I would suggest you read as well as TFF(simply due to there size & qty of quality members) for more advice on Tang requirements, as IMO you are getting bad advice here

FYI I added a Tang to my very 1st 60g tank & for months thought he was doing fine, but after upgrading to my 7', I seen the difference in his feeding, swimming & general body condition

Personally I think that many people rush into buying fish like tangs without the proper equipment or knowledge

Everwhere I have read the requirements for a Sailfin tang is in excess of 100 G

I know you will see a difference when you transfer the Tangs to you 8' :good:
Ahh... key word being 'think'. You have no proof, only an (very possibly influenced by others) opinion.

I, on the other hand, have living proof in the form of myself and others who have challenged the "rule". As well as scientific evidence.

By the way, the behemoth forums such as reef central and are a terrible place to get information. A beginner could do no worse than to get his first info from one of them. Their quantity of members is increased, and Callell is right in that they have a higher quantity of members, but the average quality of them is dubious at best.

I think that the 'Tang Police' idea may have been started by human psychology, not the fish themselves. The 'big wigs' got huge tanks to keep a bunch of Tangs in (such as Navarre has himself done; though I have the highest respect for Navarre in all situations but the Tang one), and as they got their wish and eventually had beautiful, thriving tanks (like Navarre's). However, I believe that this is where the Tang Police got their start; since they were very proud of their Tangs (and rightfully so), and some so much so that they wanted no one else to be able to keep them, especially not a casual, undedicated person. The people that had no real desire for tangs caught on quickly to this "noble" idea, and it spread like a virus, eventually outcompeting all other notions and becoming the near religion that it is today.

Think of the "olden days" of "reef" keeping, that is before the Berlin system was brought to America. Aquarists had undergravel filters, coral gravel, and tufa rock to work with. Yet an old book of mine recommends, for a 3' tank, a total stock of almost twenty fish, including two regal tangs. Now if anything our tanks' capacity will have risen, with our deep sand beds, refugiums, powerful protein skimmers, live rock, et cetera. There is no reason to give somebody hell for putting less fish in a larger tank, be they tangs or not, than that reputable author once recommended so long ago. Did she have a lack of knowledge, morals? Somehow, I doubt it; maybe she just was not needing to conform to any made-up "rules", and thus could express the scientific truth.

There are plenty of other Friendly & informative boards other than RC & SWF (neither of which I am keen on) - if you (Lavalamp) are interested in them let me know, I will pm you links

I also have living proof - having kept Tangs in both suitable & unsuitable tanks

We will have to agree to disagree :good:
hehe i love 'conversation' arguments. lavalamp i wish your tank & tangs all the best and IMO id side with a certain extent at least
Many thanks for your advice guys,

All has been take on bored!



Anyone know any calculations of LR to water quantity?
i had a common yellow tang and a scopas tang in one 180 litre tank both seem okay they do fight once in awhile though. They have been together for 4 months but now have moved yellow tang into 260litre tank. You can have tangs together if they can hide from each other i found.

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