I'm in the UK, so I don't know exactly what medicines you can get, but it will say on the bottle. You want a medication that will treat bacterial infections. I would recommend either Esha 2000 or Esha Exit, if you can get them; if not any other will do, but NOT Melafix or Bettafix; they won't be strong enough for your fish. Get an Ich medication as well, but don't use it yet.
You don't want to be using multiple medications at once, as they might react with each other. Are you sure he has ich? It will show up as very bright white, raised spots, that look almost like grains of salt or sugar, and they will be all over the fish.
He needs to go back into the bigger tank; that little bowl is far too small. Just fill his tank up with new, clean warm water; the more water he has, the more any toxins will be diluted. Any medication will treat the tank as well as the fish.
Don't worry about trying to feed him; he'll feel too sick to want to eat, and don't keep prodding him or moving him around, or trying to get the bubbles near his mouth; those things are stressful for him and he needs peace and quiet.
Try and get some live plants when you're at the shop; they'll help keep the water cleaner, and if you can possibly get a bigger tank (even if it's a plastic container) that would be good too.
Let us know how things are going x