Sorry to revive the thread, but can fireheads grow to 5cm or more? Here in Australia, pretty much all the "rummynoses" being sold at LFS are fireheads, most of them are only 2-3cm when buy them.
Mine have grown in the past few months and are now about 5cm, they look exactly the same as gf225's rummys in his photo.
Is it just simply that fireheads can indeed grow to 5cm or more?
Another thing with rummynoses (fireheads) - do you notice that when they are swimming, they would constantly open and close their mouths, almost like they're gasping? Mine do that, despite them having bright red heads and at first I was worried as the neons and cardinals dont do this, but all the rummynoses I've seen at the LFS display the same trait. Is this normal? You need to look closely at your rummy's mouths to notice though