Rubber Lip Pleco?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 26, 2011
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So, I bought a rubber lip pleco from pet smart this afternoon and I've been researching how to feed them, and such.
I've read they can be bullies. I've read that they are hard to feed. I would like some info on how to feed them, when to feed them, if they are compatible with serpae tetras, neon tetras, and corydoras catfish.

I just don't want it to die or get hurt or hurt or kill any of my other fish!
I have never seen aggression issues with the 2 species I have kept but they are not a regular community pleco imo.

Your research should have told you about the differing temperatures these fish like, what is your tank at?
My tank is set at 72 degrees farenheit, I realize thats probably to low for the fish in my aquarium, should I slowly adjust the temperature like 1 add 1 degrees, wait an hour and so on?
I just set it up to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Why raise it?

Chaetostoma like it cold, around the 69-73 F range if I remember correctly.

Also like fast flowing water that is highly oxygenated.

For researching plecos (which is advisable before you buy the fish by the way) use, head for the common name section if you are not sure of the scientific names.
Well, I raised it because I saw a bunch of websites that claim it is a higher temperature.
75 should be ok but I wouldn't raise it anymore especially if the existing fish were used to it anyway.

Do you have a picture of it so I can see which species it is?

None of those websites you list are anywhere near as good a resource as the one I mentioned for future reference.
Ok, I'll try the website you mentioned if I ever get another catfish I'm not sure about.

Well, Petsmart said it was a Rubber Lip/ Bulldog pleco. I can't find him right now, he was out earlier sucking on one of my rocks, I'll try to get a picture when the lights go out at 8:30 pm.
Well I just went by the tank and saw him again. I took some pics but it said that they are too big to upload...
make them smaller then :)

Use Paint or Microsoft picture editor.

Alternatively host them at somewhere like photobucket
Here it is! It might be a little too small. :/


  • Untitled.png
    25.5 KB · Views: 247
This one might be a little better quality.


  • pleco.png
    18 KB · Views: 216
And again, what and how should I feed the little guy? I try giving him algae wafers but the corys come and eat it. He also will just suck on the glass which really doesn't have much algae on it. He'll also suck on a rock or some wood I have in there. They have a little algae on it. Should I buy one of those vegetable clips and put a little zucchini or cucumber on it?
Put an algae wafer in an hour or so after lights out. A veggie clip with zucchini or romain lettuce, will also help.
Pictures too small to tell.

Is the pattern stripes or spots?

These are the most commonly imported Chaetostoma in the hobby.

Milesi -

444 -

Both are omnivores, pellets/wafers after lights out as mentioned above and yes fresh vegetable as well.

If it is anything like the 2 I kept (i had both these species) it will search out the area of highest flow in the tank and just sit there.

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