Royal Plecs And Panaques


Fish Gatherer
May 17, 2006
Reaction score
Keighley, West Yorkshire, UK
I figured seeing as there was a leopard frog pic thread, it'd be nice to have a royal one too - but all panaques too :)

Dont have a piccie of my little L191 dull eye royal, as my camera's bust (gutted - missing it like mad) but I do have piccies of my old L204 flash plec which is a panaque:


So share your panaque piccies here - I'd particularly love to see piccies of big monster plecs ;)
Awww I was really expecting some royals to peer at before bed...

Oh well, best post a piccie of the one I've reserved...


The (lovely) person who reserved it for me thinks it's an L27c. I've got no idea when it comes to royals, all I know is he/she is a damn nice fishie :wub:
Beautiful pictures yet again Lisa!
I love the Royal, he's got beautiful markings. :wub: We really wanted one but I understand they get quite big?
In love with your Flash Plec, the Panaques really are lovely.
I might have to come and raid your house in the middle of the night...... :hey:
:sad: :sad: :sad:

shouldn't have opened this thread, i miss my royal
Sounds a bit funny but I'm actually gutted that I cant post something up...

In our collection we dont have a single Panaque! :blink:
Panaque are great fish! Easily my favourite plecs. The only problem with them is they are such clumsy swimmers that mine destroys any attempts I make at a planted aquarium. For whatever reason, mine hasn't grown very large. After 11 years, she's about 15-20 cm long. But she's otherwise healthy, and very outgoing, happily swimming about during the day, especially if I put her favourite food into the aquarium -- cucumber skin! For those that haven't see it yet, I have a nice QuickTime movie of her here (5 MB, a lower resolution version at 1.8 MB is here).

Cheers, Neale

The old girl by herself...

...and with a friend.
Wow Neale, what a beauty! :wub:

Cant wait to pic mine up in a week (and a half - week on Sat), he/she is gorgeous - I have more pics, will upload them to Photobucket then come back and post them.

Stang, sadly Gordon the flash plec isn't with us any more - he died after a particularly nasty case of white spot (brought in with him and the two gold sevs we also lost) left him with an infection, the festivums picked on him and despite treatment he couldn't cope, and passed on :(

Ps. Who's his little friend? He's a beaut too!
Lisa --

Thanks! She is a beauty, isn't she? Her little friend was some Ancistrus sp., and they lived together for about seven years. The Ancistrus died last year.

Anyway, my take on identifying royal plecs is as follows:
  • L027a is easily distinguished because the dark stripes running along the body are interconnected, breaking up the light grey ground colour into numerous smaller spots and bars.
  • L027b has a more greenish-blue tinge to the ground colour (hence "olive royal plec") and the dark stripes are also a bit more bluish than with the other varieties.
  • L027c has a much lighter ground colour than the other varieties (hence "platinum royal plec") and has an orange rather than red eye and the tail is more or less solid black.
  • L190, the standard royal plec, as juveniles at least, have a distinctive white patch filling the front half of the tail fin. The fin rays on the dorsal fins of Colombian and Venezuelan L190 specimens are barred whereas those on Brazilian specimens are solid.
  • L330 are identical to L027a, but whereas L027a comes from Brazil, L330 are from Colombia.
I'm fairly sure mine is L190, and I know for certain that it's a Columbian/Venezuelan rather than Brazilian fish. Yours appears to be the same thing.

Cheers, Neale

Your girl is just too gorgeous. Was it you who left her with a mate while you were overseas for a while?? I seem to remember reading something like that a while ago, can't remember if it was you??

Gorgeous pics Lisa

I do love those. I've seen some small one's at Maidenshead here in Derby. They are too cute with their big giant heads.

Thanks, I cant wait to get him home :)

I dont particularly care what kind he is, I just wanted a royal that was going to settle in ok. Forgot to say, he's 9" ;)
Thanks! Yes, she lived in a tank of Rift Valley cichlids for a few years while I was travelling. She's a good girl. I highly recommend these fish to anyone with the space. Once settled in, they're tough as boots and seem to become very tame when kept with small community fish. They seem more shy with big, active fish.

Cheers, Neale

Your girl is just too gorgeous. Was it you who left her with a mate while you were overseas for a while?? I seem to remember reading something like that a while ago, can't remember if it was you??
Here's Nibbler, our L190 (Llanos population apparently, wherever the hell that is):



(taken a while ago, top is most recent and he's grown a fair bit).


(when we first got him - you can see from the top pic he's grown a bit and his "window" is shrinking).

I also have a Clown Plec (Krusty), but no pics as yet. :)
Gorgeous fishes! I'd call the top one L027b, the "olive" Panaque; the lower one L190, a regular royal juvenile. Any better guesses?

Cheers, Neale

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