Rotala Nanjenshan


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi, i've wanted this plant for a while but i have never really had the set up for it, now i finally do i have started looking for it and the only place i can find it is aquaessentials, they are charging 6 pound a pot with a minimum order of 5 pots, i'm just wondering if there is anywhere else i can get it as i just don't need 5 pots. Also if anybody has got experience in keeping this plant i would love to know, it looks very very similar to the Rotala Vietnam, is it the same plant with a different name?

it is a beautiful plant. Mark used it in "the henge". For a cheaper alternative you could use rotala wallichi which is similar, however it turns more red than nanjenshan.

Or see if Maidenhead can order Aquafleur in.

yeh the wallichi is nice but requires even higher light, the problem is that the nanjenshan will be going in the corner so it might not grow well and it mite grow towards the middle of the tank instead of growing straight.
it is a beautiful plant. Mark used it in "the henge". For a cheaper alternative you could use rotala wallichi which is similar, however it turns more red than nanjenshan.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Or see if Maidenhead can order Aquafleur in.

yeh the wallichi is nice but requires even higher light, the problem is that the nanjenshan will be going in the corner so it might not grow well and it mite grow towards the middle of the tank instead of growing straight.

thinkning about it Mark did get the nanjenshan from AF, although the plant was labelled wrong i think :rolleyes:
There is also didpilis diandra which isnt to demanding.
yeh i had a look through that link anyway, very interesting, he certainly isn't shy on spending money :lol: didiplis is a really nice plant but the corner of the scape i need to fill probably won't get enough light for it so its likely to grow on a angle which is no good, i'm thinking of putting a lotus there but i'm not sure it will fit into the scape. By the way aaron i've been meaning to ask for a while, what is that plant in your avatar? is it just a java fern?
well any stem plant you buy (even if it is hygrophillia) it will grow towards the strongest light source - ie. the middle.
You will just have to practice with your pruning technique. On my 60l the stems always used to grow towards the fron of the glass, due to where i fixed my light.

here the light is attached to the front:

and the stmes (hemianthus micranthemoides) which isnt particularly light demanding but it needs good CO2




the tank is dreadful in those pics but they show the growth pattern of the HM best lol. :rolleyes:
yeh man i see what you mean, it just sucks when i see all those top notch aquascapes with there perfect straight plants :grr: i'm so frustrated with it i'm even thinking of getting a couple of arc pod lights to put either side of my luminaire :lol:

hey what are thosereally nice mid ground plants between the rocks?
since i read that diary post that you left me yesterday i have started dosing excel to see if i get better growth from the hemianthus - does this sactually work.
you could move your luminaire backwards, so that it isnt in the middle. It is surprising how much it helps.
Plant is pogostemon helferi.

Which diary post? lol. But anyway liquid carbon does help with Hemianthus
you could move your luminaire backwards, so that it isnt in the middle. It is surprising how much it helps.
Plant is pogostemon helferi.

Which diary post? lol. But anyway liquid carbon does help with Hemianthus

this one: [URL=""][/URL]

i think i might get some of the pogostemon helferi, it looks really nice in your pics aye, does it have any special needs or specific planting methods?

i just moved the luminaire back a bit and discovered some mental water marks where it had been, i couldn't move it back quick enough :lol:
nice sig lol. even though i do support them haha.

P.Helferi likes lots of CO2, and it also responds well to liquid carbon. It isnt light or nutrient demanding IME.
nice sig lol. even though i do support them haha.

P.Helferi likes lots of CO2, and it also responds well to liquid carbon. It isnt light or nutrient demanding IME.

:rofl: haha thanks, i just couldn't resist.

great, thanks aaron, i'll be ordering some with my next batch.

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