Rose Queen Cichlid

The ones in the store wasn't shaped like the typical FH they are the orange color of a midas though not entirely solid breaking up into white around the chin.
They had about six of them at about 4" in with a 10" oscar. I'll go in there tommorow on my way home from work and snap a photo with my phone.
dirtydogg said:
I'll go in there tommorow on my way home from work and snap a photo with my phone.
Awesome, that would be helpful. I'm curious to see what they look like :)
Here is a picture if you would like to give your opinions on the species... The Rose queen is a very interesting fish I must say...Rose Queen :nod:
I know this over 5 years old. But Rosequeen are basically non deformed blood parrots. They are a hybrid of synspilum and midas or red devil and males are infertile like blood parrots.

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