Rogues Gallery

here's another one of me
nice to tell someone else to alter their pic to suit your least his didn't need to be edited..did it???

Its just good netiquette to not upload huge pictures over 150kb, the picture would look exactly the same resized. I was very polite. Read this regarding posting pictures of over 150kb.

You say something about editing, are you referring to my actual picture if so what are you talking about? or you are on about the edited post after the picture...big deal. You have just made a mistaken double post yourself.
Check the picture of ben1987. If you ever meet this guy, you can tell your friends you met the giant off the sweetcorn advert. I can definatly see that youve been pumping the weights at the gym ben!
Agreed. I was looking on facebook at your pictures, (god i sound a weirdo) and you didnt look that big, then I met you! lol

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