Me and Rick... cept my face is blanked out by the sun.. And in the background theres my crazy mate mark (Penguin)
Me right now (ow i really burnt myfinger on that light just then OW!!!)
Ok here's a few of my friends.. Some of them in this pic are people that are goin out with my mates but hey.. So from the left of the page we have:
Lauren and my best mate Mouse
Great guy like a big brother to me.
Then Mark(penguin) and his current girlfriend..(He's my ex but we're all still great friends.
Next is is Stacey and 'Dr.' with their lil baby Demmie
And the guy at the bottom is..Emm i cant remember, just met him really
Ok this is my close mate Mouse again and his lovely girlfriend Lauren (mouse is also a fish keeper
And has a goldfish called Dr.Capplin
And that is it for now folks