Being new to the Fish Forums I thought I'd join in and show you my little family.
This is Moshi a Brown Spotted Bengal and he is just over 5 months old.
Indiana is Moshi's brother we got him shortly after Moshi from the same litter. He is a Blue Eyed Snow Bengal:
They love each other and are inseperable
We have 3 Parrot Fish who as yet don't have names and haven't had for a few years now. Here's one I managed to capture on camera
We also had 2 Convict Cichlids called Ronnie & Reggie but we recently lost Ronnie
Our 2 Jewel Cichlids are called Romeo & Juliet
Mr Pinch is our Cherax Quad who has now moulted four times since we bought him home back in April this year
Last but by no means least is Shrimpy our Chameleon Shrip
Well that's our family so far