

Fish Crazy
Jul 16, 2007
Reaction score
Edinburgh, UK
This is Rocky, he is a rescue from the Scottishspca we got him when he was 4 months old and we love him to bits. He's 11 months old now and still as cute as ever!

11 months

4 months

thanks for looking!
Thanks, I do love him he's perfect. He's also the first dog i have ever owned.
Nice one.. :good:

Reminds me of a staffie we had yrs ago.

I tried to get a staffie pup out of the sspca, who stated that I could'nt get one due to having kids as they dont know the history of the dog I wanted...lolol :crazy:
I was like, the pups only 9weeks.. :shout:...what history has he/she got...lololol :hyper:

Well done for rescuing by the way :good:
ahhhh gorgeous :good:

I nominate the picture of him laying on the arm of the sofa for potm :good:

Seffie x

He is beautiful. I always laugh at 4 month staffie pictures, from experience this is the age that they have grown to a point that nothing is in proportion. Usually long legs, head not grown in width yet, ears always look to big for head and the chest is always too narrow. Having said that by 6 months they are usually proportioned again.

The photo on the chair is so typical of staffies, legs either side, head resting, giving you the hard done by eyes!!
Looks like he has a character, if you know what I mean

Has he started sulking yet?? I love it when mine sulks, he sits just out of reach, back to you with his head hung.
Aww, he looks gorgeous and incredibly cuddly. Big eyes that just beg for attention.
I'll 2nd that POTM nomination.
Thanks for your kind comments, and for the nominations, my first ever!!!

Rocky has never sulked lol but sometimes when i'm talking to him he looks at me as if to say ' you crazy lady, you giving me a treat or not?!'

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