Rocks For Use In The Aquarium

sorry to be a nuisance but what is this rock? Ive got a bunch of them lying around in the garden, its heavy and ive put white wine vinegar on it and it didnt seem to do anything. Thanks :blush:

looks like sandstone to me.
if you rub it with your fingers, do you make sand?
mmmm, no, but a harder object like a knife wears in down easily. :/
i have a feeling i should no this but - i have slate in my back garden , if it passes the vinegar test and i boil it as stated - it wont alter any of my tank stats will it? :huh:
is there any type of rock which would be good for small fig8 puffers?? because i would like to put some stones in ther.
i have a feeling i should no this but - i have slate in my back garden , if it passes the vinegar test and i boil it as stated - it wont alter any of my tank stats will it? :huh:
Slate is inert in itself, the only slate to avoid is ones that have iron ore in it (rusty veigns/staining) and green slate (contains copper ore)

is there any type of rock which would be good for small fig8 puffers?? because i would like to put some stones in ther.
the best way to answer that is
tell us what you were thinking of adding and we can say yes or no.
The pebbles that you buy in supermarkets, garden centres etc. for use in water displays, vases for cut flowers etc. Are these ok?

They are not labled but can supply photo if you wish.

yes they are safe :good: , expensive but safe :)
:hyper: i hope river rocks are ok i ve seen some people actually put those in and im just curious if it works too they come all colors and the ones i have are natural colorings
personally I'd not use it.
ironstone has a chemical composition of (approx) per 88.85 gm
Fe 89.86 %, Hydrogen 1.13 %, Oxygen 8.01 % & other base elements 1%

the large ammount of Fe maybe benificial to a dutch aquarium but one with fish could be harmful
Just wondering, I picked these up from the local beach, it is freshwater, and I've done the vinegar test on all of them, nothing happened...I've now boiled for 25minutes, can you tell me if any of them arent ok for my tank. (I think alot are granite or quartz, its just a few I'm unsure of)




this one I'm worried about
number 1 looks to have a vein of iron ore in it. not good unless you have a very heavily planted tank that could absorb the iron as it is released.
number 4. does it sparkle in certain light? if so I'd not risk it.
number 19. I don't like the look of that. are the black ridges soft or hard, In comparrison to the rest of the rock?

the last one looks like granite so should be safe.

all others appear to be ok


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